use chrono::Duration; use clap::{ crate_authors, crate_description, crate_version, App, Arg, ArgMatches, }; use colored::*; use budget::*; fn main() { let matches = get_cli_matches(); let no_color = matches.occurrences_of("plain") > 0; let force_color = matches.occurrences_of("force-color") > 0; let input = matches.value_of("INPUT").unwrap(); let account = match budget::parse_account(input) { Ok(data) => data, Err(error) => { match error { ParseError::IOError(kind) => { println!("IO error while parsing: {:?}", kind); } ParseError::DeserializerError(_) => { println!("Can't parse the file, invalid syntax"); } } ::std::process::exit(1); } }; let maybe_calculated = budget::calculate(&account); if no_color && !force_color { colored::control::set_override(false); } else if force_color { colored::control::set_override(true); } output(account, maybe_calculated); } fn get_cli_matches() -> ArgMatches<'static> { App::new("finbudg") .version(crate_version!()) .author(crate_authors!()) .about(crate_description!()) .arg( Arg::with_name("plain") .short("p") .long("plain") .help( "Don't colorize the output. Can also be set \ with the NO_COLOR environment variable.", ) .takes_value(false), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("force-color") .long("force-color") .help( "Forces colorized output even when piping. Takes \ precedence over --plain flag and NO_COLOR environment \ variable", ) .takes_value(false), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("INPUT") .help("Expenses file to calculate from. For more information \ on the format of this file see 'man 5 finbudg'") .required(true) .index(1), ) .get_matches() } fn output(account: Account, maybe_calculated: Option) { println!( "{}", format!( "Your expenses for the period of {} - {}", account.start_date.format("%Y-%m-%d"), account.end_date.format("%Y-%m-%d"), ) .cyan(), ); let calculated = match maybe_calculated { Some(data) => data, None => { println!(); println!("{}", "You have no expenses...".italic()); ::std::process::exit(0); } }; let days_until_end = account.end_date - calculated.last_day; println!( "{}", format!( "Last day on entry: {}", calculated.last_day.format("%Y-%m-%d"), ) .cyan(), ); println!( "{}", format!("Days until period end: {}", days_until_end.num_days(),).cyan(), ); if days_until_end < Duration::zero() { println!(); println!( "{}", "Your last day on entry is set after the last date of the period!" .yellow(), ); println!(); } println!("{}", format!("Budget: {:.2}", account.budget,).cyan(),); println!(); for (category, expenses) in calculated.categories_day_average.iter() { println!("Average per day in {}: {:.2}", category, expenses,); } println!( "Average per day in essential expenses: {:.2}", calculated.essential_day_average, ); println!("Average per day: {:.2}", calculated.all_day_average,); println!(); for (category, expenses) in calculated.categories_subtotal.iter() { println!("Total in {}: {:.2}", category, expenses,); } println!( "Total in essential expenses: {:.2}", calculated.essential_subtotal, ); println!("Total: {:.2}",,); println!(); let balance_output = format!("{:.2}", calculated.balance); let balance_output = if calculated.balance > 0.0 { if account.budget / calculated.balance < 10.0 { } else { balance_output.yellow() } } else { }; println!("Left on balance: {}", balance_output); println!(); for (n, owed) in calculated.total_owed.iter() { println!( "{} person(s) owe you in shared expenses: {:.2}", n - 1, owed, ); if *n > 2 { println!("Each owes you: {}", *owed / (*n as f64 - 1.0)); } println!(); } println!("Days until balance runs out:"); let days_left_output = format!("{:.2}", calculated.days_left,); let days_left_essential_output = format!("{:.2}", calculated.days_left_essential,); // TODO: also show much money would be left by the end of the period let mut all_are_healthy = true; let mut essential_are_healthy = true; let days_left_output = if days_until_end.num_days() as f64 <= calculated.days_left { } else { all_are_healthy = false; }; let days_left_essential_output = if days_until_end.num_days() as f64 <= calculated.days_left_essential { } else { essential_are_healthy = false; }; println!("...taking into account all expenses: {}", days_left_output,); println!( "...taking into account only essential expenses: {}", days_left_essential_output, ); println!(); if all_are_healthy { println!( "{}", "Your expenses are healthy, they should last you from your last \ day on entry through your last day of the period." .green(), ); } else { println!( "{}", "You are spending more than you can afford with your current \ budget. Try minimizing your expenses" .red(), ); if essential_are_healthy { println!( "{}", "On the other hand, if you only spend money on essentials, \ you should be able keep within your budget." .yellow(), ); } } }