

The web cookbook that doesn't suck.

Project status

I am kind of deprecating the site, since it was basically a response to Luke Smith's challenge to make a minimal recipe site and he's since launched his own site that not-surprisingly has garnered quite a lot of attention. I recommend you check based.cooking

I will still keep this site up for the foreseeable future, probably until I get tired of paying the domain yearly fee. If, for any reason, you are still interested, you can still submit your recipes by email or pull request.

Publishing your recipe

Send a git patch with your recipe and if it's (not bloated) fine I'll merge it. Every recipe is kept in its one folder under the content/recipes/ directory. The name of the directory should be the approx date you submit your recipe followed by the name/slug of the recipe.

For more information read http://saucesource.cc/about/

Take a look at the content/recipes/ directory for examples of recipes and how to format them.

Building the site

This website uses Zola to generate the html files from the templates and markdown. To build the site run:

zola build

To launch a lightweight http server for development purposes run:

zola serve -p 8080


  • Finish Russian and Spanish translations
  • Maybe add some kind of search functionality on the backend
  • Maybe add some way to categorize recipes


By contributing recipes to this project you agree to submit them under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 license. Any contributions related to the functioning of the site (stylesheets, templates) are licensed under the AGPLv3 license. For more information read the LICENSE file.