{% extends "base.html" %} {% block h1title %}

Welcome to {{ config.title }}

A simple recipe website that doesn't suck.

{% endblock %} {% block body %} {% if lang != "en" %} {% set section_path = "recipes/_index." ~ lang ~ ".md" %} {% else %} {% set section_path = "recipes/_index.md" %} {% endif %} {% set section = get_section(path=section_path) %}

Latest Recipe

{% set latest = section.pages[0] %}

{{ latest.title }} {{ latest.date | date }}

{% if latest.summary %} {{ latest.summary | safe }} {% endif %}

Make a contribution

If you want to publish your recipe or make this site better, don't hesitate to help. You can find more information on how to contribute here.

Other languages

This site is currently also available in the following languages:

Do keep in mind that not all recipes will be translated to every language the site is available on. If you want to help translate the site to another language, or help improve existing translations check the about page.

{% endblock %}