# Spanish Checkers This is a project of an online game of the spanish variant of checkers or draughts. I've made this project as part of a university project as a proof of concept for me to learn NodeJS and Socket.io. It uses the following NodeJS libraries: Socket.io, Express, Body-parser. An old not-ideal, yet fun to play little side-project/university assignment. It is lacking some features, and may contain unexpected features (ie bugs). Most probably will never fix any of that. The game was available to play online at [checkers.yaroslavps.com](http://checkers.yaroslavps.com). I don't really plan on updating this project, so it's just getting archived for posterity. ## Лабораторная Работа №4, вариант 5: Испанские шашки Выполнил Де Ла Пенья Смирнов Ярослав, группа K3200.