path: root/weblog/views.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'weblog/views.py')
1 files changed, 207 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/weblog/views.py b/weblog/views.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a05bcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/weblog/views.py
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+from django.shortcuts import render, get_object_or_404, redirect, reverse
+from django.http import Http404, HttpResponseRedirect
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.utils import translation
+from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _, pgettext_lazy
+from .apps import SETTINGS as blog_settings
+from .models import BlogPost, Translation, PostComment, Category, CategoryTranslation, PostCommentForm
+import datetime
+#Why the hell didn't I just pass the variables to the context_dict in the first place??
+#Need to remove this later
+IS_MULTILINGUAL = blog_settings['multilingual']
+BASE_TEMPLATE = blog_settings['base_template']
+BLOG_TITLE = blog_settings['blog_title']
+SHOW_SIDEBAR = blog_settings['show_sidebar']
+POSTS_PER_PAGE = blog_settings['posts_per_page']
+SHOW_AUTHOR = blog_settings['show_author']
+USE_AUTHORS_USERNAME = blog_settings['use_authors_username']
+ENABLE_COMMENTS = blog_settings['enable_comments']
+ALLOW_ANON_COMMENTS = blog_settings['allow_anon_comments']
+def Index(request, **kwargs):
+ context_dict = blog_settings.copy()
+ now = datetime.datetime.now()
+ all_pages = BlogPost.objects.filter(published=True, publish_date__lte=now)
+ category = None
+ if kwargs is not None:
+ category_slug = kwargs.get('category_slug')
+ year = kwargs.get('year')
+ month = kwargs.get('month')
+ if category_slug:
+ if category_slug == 'misc':
+ all_pages = BlogPost.objects.filter(published=True, publish_date__lte=now, categories=None)
+ context_dict['category'] = 'misc'
+ else:
+ category = get_object_or_404(Category, slug=category_slug)
+ context_dict['category'] = category
+ all_pages = BlogPost.objects.filter(published=True, publish_date__lte=now, categories__slug=category_slug)
+ if year:
+ all_pages = BlogPost.objects.filter(published=True, publish_date__lte=now, publish_date__year=year)
+ if month:
+ all_pages = BlogPost.objects.filter(published=True, publish_date__lte=now, publish_date__month=month)
+ post_count = all_pages.count()
+ if post_count < 1:
+ return render(request, 'weblog/index.html', context_dict)
+ page = 0
+ if request.GET.get('page'):
+ page = int(request.GET['page'])-1
+ if page * POSTS_PER_PAGE + 1 > post_count:
+ page = 0
+ context_dict['current_page'] = page+1
+ slice_start = page*POSTS_PER_PAGE
+ slice_end = page*POSTS_PER_PAGE + POSTS_PER_PAGE
+ if slice_end >= post_count:
+ slice_end = post_count
+ if post_count % POSTS_PER_PAGE == 0:
+ last_page = int(post_count/POSTS_PER_PAGE)
+ else:
+ last_page = int(post_count/POSTS_PER_PAGE)+1
+ context_dict['last_page'] = last_page
+ posts_raw = all_pages[slice_start:slice_end]
+ if category_slug:
+ posts_raw = all_pages[slice_start:slice_end]
+ current_language = translation.get_language()
+ if current_language is None:
+ current_language = settings.LANGUAGE_CODE
+ if category_slug:
+ if IS_MULTILINGUAL and category_slug != 'misc':
+ category_translations = CategoryTranslation.objects.filter(category=category)
+ if category_translations.count() > 0:
+ for cat_trans in category_translations:
+ if current_language[0:2] == cat_trans.language[0:2]:
+ context_dict['category'] = cat_trans
+ if category_slug == 'misc':
+ context_dict['breadcrumbs'] = [{'url': reverse('weblog:CategoryIndex', kwargs={'category_slug': category_slug}), 'name': pgettext_lazy('Posts without category', 'Uncategorized')},]
+ else:
+ context_dict['breadcrumbs'] = [{'url': reverse('weblog:CategoryIndex', kwargs={'category_slug': category_slug}), 'name': context_dict['category']},]
+ posts = []
+ for post_raw in posts_raw:
+ post = {'publish_date': post_raw.publish_date, 'url': post_raw.get_absolute_url()}
+ post['author'] = post_raw.author.get_full_name()
+ post['author'] = post_raw.author.get_username()
+ translation_exists = False
+ post_translations = Translation.objects.filter(post=post_raw)
+ if post_translations.count() < 1 or not IS_MULTILINGUAL:
+ post['title'] = post_raw.title
+ post['content'] = post_raw.content
+ post['preview_image'] = post_raw.preview_image
+ if len(post_raw.preview_text) > 5:
+ post['preview_text'] = post_raw.preview_text
+ else:
+ post['preview_text'] = post_raw.content.split('</p>', 1)[0]+'</p>'
+ else:
+ post_trans = None
+ orig_lang = post_raw.original_language
+ if len(orig_lang) < 2:
+ orig_lang = settings.LANGUAGE_CODE[0:2]
+ post['languages'] = [orig_lang,]
+ for post_translation in post_translations:
+ post['languages'].append(post_translation.language)
+ if current_language[0:2] == post_translation.language[0:2]:
+ post_trans = post_translation
+ if post_trans:
+ post['title'] = post_trans.title
+ post['content'] = post_trans.content
+ post['current_language'] = post_trans.language
+ post['preview_image'] = post_trans.preview_image
+ if len(post_trans.preview_text) > 5:
+ post['preview_text'] = post_trans.preview_text
+ else:
+ post['preview_text'] = post_trans.content.split('\n', 1)[0]+'</p>'
+ else:
+ post['title'] = post_raw.title
+ post['content'] = post_raw.content
+ post['current_language'] = orig_lang
+ post['preview_image'] = post_raw.preview_image
+ if len(post_raw.preview_text) > 5:
+ post['preview_text'] = post_raw.preview_text
+ else:
+ post['preview_text'] = post_raw.content.split('</p>', 1)[0]+'</p>'
+ posts.append(post)
+ context_dict['posts'] = posts
+ return render(request, 'weblog/index.html', context_dict)
+def PostView(request, category_slug, post_slug):
+ post = get_object_or_404(BlogPost, slug=post_slug)
+ context_dict = blog_settings.copy()
+ context_dict['comment_form'] = PostCommentForm()
+ post_translations = Translation.objects.filter(post=post)
+ category = None
+ current_language = translation.get_language()
+ if current_language is None:
+ current_language = settings.LANGUAGE_CODE
+ if category_slug:
+ if category_slug == 'misc':
+ context_dict['category'] = 'misc'
+ else:
+ category = get_object_or_404(Category, slug=category_slug)
+ context_dict['category'] = category
+ category_translations = CategoryTranslation.objects.filter(category=category)
+ if category_translations.count() > 0:
+ for cat_trans in category_translations:
+ if current_language[0:2] == cat_trans.language[0:2]:
+ context_dict['category'] = cat_trans
+ if category_slug == 'misc':
+ context_dict['breadcrumbs'] = [{'url': reverse('weblog:CategoryIndex', kwargs={'category_slug': category_slug}), 'name': pgettext_lazy('Posts without category', 'Uncategorized')},]
+ else:
+ context_dict['breadcrumbs'] = [{'url': reverse('weblog:CategoryIndex', kwargs={'category_slug': category_slug}), 'name': context_dict['category']},]
+ context_dict['post_author'] = post.author.get_full_name()
+ context_dict['post_author'] = post.author.get_username()
+ context_dict['comments'] = PostComment.objects.filter(post=post)
+ if request.method == 'POST':
+ form = PostCommentForm(request.POST)
+ context_dict['comment_submission'] = True
+ if form.is_valid():
+ comment_content = form.cleaned_data['content']
+ if request.user.is_authenticated():
+ new_comment = PostComment(author=request.user, post=post, content=comment_content)
+ new_comment.save()
+ new_comment = PostComment(post=post, content=comment_content)
+ new_comment.save()
+ else:
+ context_dict['comment_submission_error'] = _('You need to sign in to submit a comment')
+ else:
+ context_dict['comment_submission_error'] = _('Error submitting comment: Invalid data')
+ context_dict['post'] = post
+ if post.categories.all().count() > 0:
+ context_dict['post_categories'] = []
+ for raw_category in post.categories.all():
+ next_category = {'name': raw_category.name, 'slug': raw_category.slug}
+ if CategoryTranslation.objects.filter(category=raw_category).count() > 0 and IS_MULTILINGUAL:
+ for category_translation in CategoryTranslation.objects.filter(category=raw_category):
+ if current_language[0:2] == category_translation.language[0:2]:
+ next_category['name'] = category_translation.name
+ context_dict['post_categories'].append(next_category)
+ if post_translations.count() < 1 or not IS_MULTILINGUAL:
+ context_dict['breadcrumbs'].append({'url': post.get_absolute_url(), 'name': post.title})
+ return render(request, 'weblog/post.html', context_dict)
+ orig_lang = post.original_language
+ if len(orig_lang) < 2:
+ orig_lang = settings.LANGUAGE_CODE[0:2]
+ context_dict['languages'] = [orig_lang,]
+ for post_translation in post_translations:
+ context_dict['languages'].append(post_translation.language)
+ if current_language[0:2] == post_translation.language[0:2]:
+ context_dict['post_translation'] = post_translation
+ if 'post_translation' in context_dict:
+ context_dict['breadcrumbs'].append({'url': post.get_absolute_url(), 'name': post_translation.title})
+ else:
+ context_dict['breadcrumbs'].append({'url': post.get_absolute_url(), 'name': post.title})
+ return render(request, 'weblog/post.html', context_dict)
+def ChangeLanguage(request, language):
+ translation.activate(language)
+ request.session[translation.LANGUAGE_SESSION_KEY] = language
+ if request.GET.get('next'):
+ return HttpResponseRedirect(request.GET['next'])
+ return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('weblog:Index'))
+ \ No newline at end of file