# C Wares This repo is intended as a collection of different data structures, and other small utilities in C, that I've collected over time. Some of the stuff here is written by me, some other stuff I've extracted from open source projects for my own personal use. This repo is not intended as a library or framework, but rather just a collection of useful simple stuff that is hard to come by when writing programs in C. ## Wares Currently this repo contains the following: * hmap - simple generic hashmap with no macro vodoo-magic. * list - double-link listed as seen on the Linux Kernelâ„¢; extracted from Git. * optional - header-only poor man's optional "type templates" for C. * utest - micro header-only unit test "framework" * utils.h - various useful macros, needed by some of the "libs" in this repo, but that can also be useful on their own. hmap, optional and utest have unit test of their own that serve as examples of their respective APIs. list.h doesn't have its own unit tests since it wasn't written by me. To run any of the tests just cd into the respective dir, run `make` and then `./*-test`.