# # ~/.bemenurc # BEMENU_BACKEND=wayland ## define the font for dmenu to be used BEMENU_FN="FuraCodeNerdFontMono 8" ## textcolour for title BEMENU_TF="#F9FAF9" ## background colour for unselected menu-items BEMENU_NB="#000000" ## textcolour for unselected menu-items BEMENU_NF="#DAC99D" ## background colour for highlighted menu-items BEMENU_HB="#689D6A" ## textcolour for highlighted menu-items BEMENU_HF="#F9FAF9" ## command for the terminal application to be used: TERMINAL_CMD="terminal -e" ## export our variables BEMENU_OPTIONS="--tf=$BEMENU_TF --fn=$BEMENU_FN --nb=$BEMENU_NB --nf=$BEMENU_NF --hf=$BEMENU_HF --hb=$BEMENU_HB"