#!/bin/sh rotate() { degree="$1" file="$2" case "$(file -b -i "$file")" in image/jpeg*) jpegtran -rotate "$degree" -copy all -outfile "$file" "$file" ;; *) mogrify -rotate "$degree" "$file" ;; esac } while read file; do case "$1" in "C-a" | "C-1") setbg "$file" exit ;; "C-2") setbg "$file" "2" exit ;; "C-s") setbglblur "$file" exit ;; "C-d") setbglsimple "$file" exit ;; "C-c") wl-copy < "$file" exit ;; "C-f") wl-copy "$file" exit ;; "C-r") # Move file to 'trash' directory, if the current directory's name is # JPEG, remove the NEF file as well dir="$(dirname "$file")" name="$(basename "$file")" base="${name%.*}" mv "$file" ~/etc/temp/trash/ if [ "JPEG" = "$(basename $dir)" ]; then mv $(dirname "$dir")/"$base".NEF ~/etc/temp/trash/ fi exit ;; "C-comma") rotate 270 $file ;; "C-period") rotate 90 $file ;; "C-slash") rotate 180 $file ;; esac done