#!/bin/sh # Sync mail and give notification if there is new mail. # Run only if user logged in (prevent cron errors) w | grep "^$USER\W" >/dev/null || exit # Checks for internet connection and set notification script. ping -q -c 1 > /dev/null || exit command -v notify-send >/dev/null || echo "Note that \`libnotify\` or \`libnotify-send\` should be installed for pop-up mail notifications with this script." export DISPLAY=:0.0 notify() { notify-send "📬 Email" "$2 new mail(s) in \`$1\` account." mpv $HOME/.local/share/soundalerts/mail.mp3 } # Run mbsync. You can feed this script different settings. if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then mbsync -a else mbsync "$@" fi # Check all accounts/mailboxes for new mail. Notify if there is new content. for account in "$HOME/.local/share/mail/"* do acc="$(echo "$account" | sed "s/.*\///")" newcount=$(find "$HOME/.local/share/mail/$acc/INBOX/new/" "$HOME/.local/share/mail/$acc/Inbox/new/" "$HOME/.local/share/mail/$acc/inbox/new/" -type f -newer "$HOME/.config/mutt/.mailsynclastrun" 2> /dev/null | wc -l) [ "$newcount" -gt "0" ] && notify "$acc" "$newcount" & done notmuch new 2>/dev/null #Create a touch file that indicates the time of the last run of mailsync touch "$HOME/.config/mutt/.mailsynclastrun"