#!/bin/bash set -C -f #IFS=$'\n' IFS="$(printf '%b_' '\n')"; IFS="${IFS%_}" # ANSI color codes are supported. # STDIN is disabled, so interactive scripts won't work properly # This script is considered a configuration file and must be updated manually. # Meanings of exit codes: # code | meaning | action of ranger # -----+------------+------------------------------------------- # 0 | success | Display stdout as preview # 1 | no preview | Display no preview at all # 2 | plain text | Display the plain content of the file # Script arguments FILE_PATH="$1" # Full path of the highlighted file w="$2" h="$3" # x=$4 # y=$5 #FILE_EXTENSION="${FILE_PATH##*.}" #FILE_EXTENSION_LOWER=$(echo ${FILE_EXTENSION} | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') # Settings HIGHLIGHT_SIZE_MAX=262143 # 256KiB HIGHLIGHT_TABWIDTH=8 HIGHLIGHT_STYLE='pablo' handle_img() { if [ -n "$w" -a -n "$h" ]; then # A little hack to force sixel on ayosec's Alacritty fork if [ "$TERM" = alacritty ]; then chafa --polite on --animate off -f sixel -s "${w}x${h}" $FILE_PATH | sed 's/#/\n#/g' else chafa --polite on --animate off -s "${w}x${h}" $FILE_PATH | sed 's/#/\n#/g' fi else exiftool "${FILE_PATH}" fi } handle_mime() { local mimetype="${1}" case "${mimetype}" in text/html) w3m -dump "${FILE_PATH}" ;; text/troff) man ./ "${FILE_PATH}" | col -b ;; text/* | */xml | */csv | */json) if [ "$( stat --printf='%s' -- "${FILE_PATH}" )" -gt "${HIGHLIGHT_SIZE_MAX}" ]; then exit 2 fi if [ "$( tput colors )" -ge 256 ]; then local highlight_format='xterm256' else local highlight_format='ansi' fi highlight --replace-tabs="${HIGHLIGHT_TABWIDTH}" --out-format="${highlight_format}" \ --style="${HIGHLIGHT_STYLE}" --force -- "${FILE_PATH}" ;; application/zip) unzip -l -- "${FILE_PATH}" ;; application/gzip) tar -ztf "${FILE_PATH}" ;; application/x-xz) tar -Jtf "${FILE_PATH}" ;; application/x-rar) unrar lb -- "${FILE_PATH}" ;; video/* | audio/*|application/octet-stream) mediainfo "${FILE_PATH}" | awk -F':' '{ print $2 }' || exit 1;; image/*) handle_img;; */pdf) pdftotext -l 10 -nopgbrk -q -- "${FILE_PATH}" - ;; *opendocument*) odt2txt "${FILE_PATH}" ;; *) file -b "${FILE_PATH}" ;; esac } MIMETYPE="$( file --dereference --brief --mime-type -- "${FILE_PATH}" )" handle_mime "${MIMETYPE}"