" vim: ts=4 sw=4 et if !exists('s:compile_script') let s:slash = neomake#utils#Slash() let s:compile_script = expand(':p:h', 1).s:slash.'python'.s:slash.'compile.py' endif function! neomake#makers#ft#python#EnabledMakers() abort let makers = ['python', 'frosted'] if executable('pylama') call add(makers, 'pylama') else if executable('flake8') call add(makers, 'flake8') else call extend(makers, ['pyflakes', 'pycodestyle', 'pydocstyle']) endif call add(makers, 'pylint') " Last because it is the slowest endif return makers endfunction let neomake#makers#ft#python#project_root_files = ['setup.cfg', 'tox.ini'] function! neomake#makers#ft#python#DetectPythonVersion() abort let output = neomake#compat#systemlist('python -V 2>&1') if v:shell_error call neomake#log#error(printf( \ 'Failed to detect Python version: %s.', \ join(output))) let s:python_version = [-1, -1, -1] else let s:python_version = split(split(output[0])[1], '\.') endif endfunction let s:ignore_python_warnings = [ \ '\v[\/]inspect.py:\d+: Warning:', \ '\v^.{-}:\d+: FutureWarning:', \ ] " Filter Python warnings (the warning and the following line). " To be used as a funcref with filter(). function! s:filter_py_warning(v) abort if s:filter_next_py_warning let s:filter_next_py_warning = 0 " Only keep (expected) lines starting with two spaces. return a:v[0:1] !=# ' ' endif for pattern in s:ignore_python_warnings if a:v =~# pattern let s:filter_next_py_warning = 1 return 0 endif endfor return 1 endfunction function! neomake#makers#ft#python#FilterPythonWarnings(lines, context) abort if a:context.source ==# 'stderr' let s:filter_next_py_warning = 0 call filter(a:lines, 's:filter_py_warning(v:val)') endif endfunction function! neomake#makers#ft#python#pylint() abort let maker = { \ 'args': [ \ '--output-format=text', \ '--msg-template="{path}:{line}:{column}:{C}: [{symbol}] {msg} [{msg_id}]"', \ '--reports=no' \ ], \ 'errorformat': \ '%A%f:%l:%c:%t: %m,' . \ '%A%f:%l: %m,' . \ '%A%f:(%l): %m,' . \ '%-Z%p^%.%#,' . \ '%-G%.%#', \ 'output_stream': 'stdout', \ 'postprocess': [ \ function('neomake#postprocess#generic_length'), \ function('neomake#makers#ft#python#PylintEntryProcess'), \ ]} function! maker.filter_output(lines, context) abort if a:context.source ==# 'stderr' call filter(a:lines, "v:val !=# 'No config file found, using default configuration' && v:val !~# '^Using config file '") endif call neomake#makers#ft#python#FilterPythonWarnings(a:lines, a:context) endfunction return maker endfunction function! neomake#makers#ft#python#PylintEntryProcess(entry) abort if a:entry.type ==# 'F' " Fatal error which prevented further processing let type = 'E' elseif a:entry.type ==# 'E' " Error for important programming issues let type = 'E' elseif a:entry.type ==# 'W' " Warning for stylistic or minor programming issues let type = 'W' elseif a:entry.type ==# 'R' " Refactor suggestion let type = 'W' elseif a:entry.type ==# 'C' " Convention violation let type = 'W' elseif a:entry.type ==# 'I' " Informations let type = 'I' else let type = '' endif let a:entry.type = type " Pylint uses 0-indexed columns, vim uses 1-indexed columns let a:entry.col += 1 endfunction function! neomake#makers#ft#python#flake8() abort let maker = { \ 'args': ['--format=default'], \ 'errorformat': \ '%E%f:%l: could not compile,%-Z%p^,' . \ '%A%f:%l:%c: %t%n %m,' . \ '%A%f:%l: %t%n %m,' . \ '%-G%.%#', \ 'postprocess': function('neomake#makers#ft#python#Flake8EntryProcess'), \ 'short_name': 'fl8', \ 'output_stream': 'stdout', \ 'filter_output': function('neomake#makers#ft#python#FilterPythonWarnings'), \ } function! maker.supports_stdin(jobinfo) abort let self.args += ['--stdin-display-name', '%:p'] let bufpath = bufname(a:jobinfo.bufnr) if !empty(bufpath) let bufdir = fnamemodify(bufpath, ':p:h') if stridx(bufdir, getcwd()) != 0 " The buffer is not below the current dir, so let's cd for lookup " of config files etc. " This avoids running into issues with flake8's per-file-ignores, " which is handled not relative to the config file currently " (https://gitlab.com/pycqa/flake8/issues/517). call a:jobinfo.cd(bufdir) endif endif return 1 endfunction return maker endfunction function! neomake#makers#ft#python#Flake8EntryProcess(entry) abort if a:entry.type ==# 'F' " pyflakes " Ref: http://flake8.pycqa.org/en/latest/user/error-codes.html if a:entry.nr > 400 && a:entry.nr < 500 if a:entry.nr == 407 let type = 'E' " 'an undefined __future__ feature name was imported' else let type = 'W' endif elseif a:entry.nr == 841 let type = 'W' else let type = 'E' endif elseif a:entry.type ==# 'E' && a:entry.nr >= 900 " PEP8 runtime errors (E901, E902) let type = 'E' elseif a:entry.type ==# 'E' || a:entry.type ==# 'W' " PEP8 errors & warnings let type = 'W' elseif a:entry.type ==# 'N' || a:entry.type ==# 'D' " Naming (PEP8) & docstring (PEP257) conventions let type = 'W' elseif a:entry.type ==# 'C' || a:entry.type ==# 'T' " McCabe complexity & todo notes let type = 'I' elseif a:entry.type ==# 'I' " keep at least 'I' from isort (I1), could get style subtype?! let type = a:entry.type else let type = '' endif let token_pattern = '\v''\zs[^'']+\ze' if a:entry.type ==# 'F' && (a:entry.nr == 401 || a:entry.nr == 811) " Special handling for F401 (``module`` imported but unused) and " F811 (redefinition of unused ``name`` from line ``N``). " The unused column is incorrect for import errors and redefinition " errors. let token = matchstr(a:entry.text, token_pattern) if !empty(token) let view = winsaveview() call cursor(a:entry.lnum, a:entry.col) " The number of lines to give up searching afterwards let search_lines = 5 if searchpos('\', 'cnW', a:entry.lnum)[1] == a:entry.col " for 'from xxx.yyy import zzz' the token looks like " xxx.yyy.zzz, but only the zzz part should be highlighted. So " this discards the module part let token = split(token, '\.')[-1] " Also the search should be started at the import keyword. " Otherwise for 'from os import os' the first os will be " found. This moves the cursor there. call search('\', 'cW', a:entry.lnum + search_lines) endif " Search for the first occurrence of the token and highlight in " the next couple of lines and change the lnum and col to that " position. " Don't match entries surrounded by dots, even though " it ends a word, we want to find a full identifier. It also " matches all seperators such as spaces and newlines with " backslashes until it knows for sure the previous real character " was not a dot. let ident_pos = searchpos('\(\.\(\_s\|\\\)*\)\@\(\(\_s\|\\\)*\.\)\@!', \ 'cnW', \ a:entry.lnum + search_lines) if ident_pos[1] > 0 let a:entry.lnum = ident_pos[0] let a:entry.col = ident_pos[1] endif call winrestview(view) let a:entry.length = strlen(token) endif else call neomake#postprocess#generic_length_with_pattern(a:entry, token_pattern) " Special processing for F821 (undefined name) in f-strings. if !has_key(a:entry, 'length') && a:entry.type ==# 'F' && a:entry.nr == 821 let token = matchstr(a:entry.text, token_pattern) if !empty(token) " Search for '{token}' in reported and following lines. " It seems like for the first line it is correct already (i.e. " flake8 reports the column therein), but we still test there " to be sure. " https://gitlab.com/pycqa/flake8/issues/407 let line = get(getbufline(a:entry.bufnr, a:entry.lnum), 0, '') " NOTE: uses byte offset, starting at col means to start after " the opening quote. let pattern = '\V\C{\.\{-}\zs'.escape(token, '\').'\>' let pos = match(line, pattern, a:entry.col) if pos == -1 let line_offset = 0 while line_offset < 10 let line_offset += 1 let line = get(getbufline(a:entry.bufnr, a:entry.lnum + line_offset), 0, '') let pos = match(line, pattern) if pos != -1 let a:entry.lnum = a:entry.lnum + line_offset break endif endwhile endif if pos > 0 let a:entry.col = pos + 1 let a:entry.length = strlen(token) endif endif endif endif let a:entry.text = a:entry.type . a:entry.nr . ' ' . a:entry.text let a:entry.type = type " Reset "nr" to Avoid redundancy with neomake#GetCurrentErrorMsg. " TODO: This is rather bad, since "nr" itself can be useful. " This should rather use the entry via Neomake's list, and then a " new property like "current_error_text" could be used. " Or with the maker being available a callback could be used. let a:entry.nr = -1 endfunction function! neomake#makers#ft#python#pyflakes() abort return { \ 'errorformat': \ '%E%f:%l: could not compile,' . \ '%-Z%p^,'. \ '%E%f:%l:%c: %m,' . \ '%E%f:%l: %m,' . \ '%-G%.%#', \ } endfunction function! neomake#makers#ft#python#pycodestyle() abort if !exists('s:_pycodestyle_exe') " Use the preferred exe to avoid deprecation warnings. let s:_pycodestyle_exe = executable('pycodestyle') ? 'pycodestyle' : 'pep8' endif return { \ 'exe': s:_pycodestyle_exe, \ 'errorformat': '%f:%l:%c: %m', \ 'postprocess': function('neomake#makers#ft#python#Pep8EntryProcess') \ } endfunction " Note: pep8 has been renamed to pycodestyle, but is kept also as alias. function! neomake#makers#ft#python#pep8() abort return neomake#makers#ft#python#pycodestyle() endfunction function! neomake#makers#ft#python#Pep8EntryProcess(entry) abort if a:entry.text =~# '^E9' " PEP8 runtime errors (E901, E902) let a:entry.type = 'E' elseif a:entry.text =~# '^E113' " unexpected indentation (IndentationError) let a:entry.type = 'E' else " Everything else is a warning let a:entry.type = 'W' endif endfunction function! neomake#makers#ft#python#pydocstyle() abort if !exists('s:_pydocstyle_exe') " Use the preferred exe to avoid deprecation warnings. let s:_pydocstyle_exe = executable('pydocstyle') ? 'pydocstyle' : 'pep257' endif return { \ 'exe': s:_pydocstyle_exe, \ 'errorformat': \ '%W%f:%l %.%#:,' . \ '%+C %m', \ 'postprocess': function('neomake#postprocess#compress_whitespace'), \ } endfunction " Note: pep257 has been renamed to pydocstyle, but is kept also as alias. function! neomake#makers#ft#python#pep257() abort return neomake#makers#ft#python#pydocstyle() endfunction function! neomake#makers#ft#python#PylamaEntryProcess(entry) abort if a:entry.nr == -1 " Get number from the beginning of text. let nr = matchstr(a:entry.text, '\v^\u\zs\d+') if !empty(nr) let a:entry.nr = nr + 0 endif endif if a:entry.type ==# 'C' && a:entry.text =~# '\v\[%(pycodestyle|pep8)\]$' call neomake#makers#ft#python#Pep8EntryProcess(a:entry) elseif a:entry.type ==# 'D' " pydocstyle/pep257 let a:entry.type = 'W' elseif a:entry.type ==# 'C' && a:entry.nr == 901 " mccabe let a:entry.type = 'I' elseif a:entry.type ==# 'R' " Radon let a:entry.type = 'W' endif endfunction function! neomake#makers#ft#python#pylama() abort let maker = { \ 'args': ['--format', 'parsable'], \ 'errorformat': '%f:%l:%c: [%t] %m', \ 'postprocess': function('neomake#makers#ft#python#PylamaEntryProcess'), \ 'output_stream': 'stdout', \ } " Pylama looks for the config only in the current directory. " Therefore we change to where the config likely is. " --options could be used to pass a config file, but we cannot be sure " which one really gets used. let ini_file = neomake#utils#FindGlobFile('{pylama.ini,setup.cfg,tox.ini,pytest.ini}') if !empty(ini_file) let maker.cwd = fnamemodify(ini_file, ':h') endif return maker endfunction function! neomake#makers#ft#python#python() abort return { \ 'args': [s:compile_script], \ 'errorformat': '%E%f:%l:%c: %m', \ 'serialize': 1, \ 'serialize_abort_on_error': 1, \ 'output_stream': 'stdout', \ 'short_name': 'py', \ } endfunction function! neomake#makers#ft#python#frosted() abort return { \ 'args': [ \ '-vb' \ ], \ 'errorformat': \ '%f:%l:%c:%m,' . \ '%E%f:%l: %m,' . \ '%-Z%p^,' . \ '%-G%.%#' \ } endfunction function! neomake#makers#ft#python#vulture() abort return { \ 'errorformat': '%f:%l: %m', \ } endfunction " --fast-parser: adds experimental support for async/await syntax " --silent-imports: replaced by --ignore-missing-imports function! neomake#makers#ft#python#mypy() abort let args = ['--check-untyped-defs', '--ignore-missing-imports'] " Append '--py2' to args with Python 2 for Python 2 mode. if !exists('s:python_version') call neomake#makers#ft#python#DetectPythonVersion() endif if s:python_version[0] ==# '2' call add(args, '--py2') endif return { \ 'args': args, \ 'errorformat': \ '%E%f:%l: error: %m,' . \ '%W%f:%l: warning: %m,' . \ '%I%f:%l: note: %m', \ } endfunction function! neomake#makers#ft#python#py3kwarn() abort return { \ 'errorformat': '%W%f:%l:%c: %m', \ } endfunction