if has('signs') let g:neomake_place_signs = get(g:, 'neomake_place_signs', 1) else let g:neomake_place_signs = 0 lockvar g:neomake_place_signs endif function! neomake#setup#define_highlights() abort if g:neomake_place_signs call neomake#signs#DefineHighlights() endif if get(g:, 'neomake_highlight_columns', 1) \ || get(g:, 'neomake_highlight_lines', 0) call neomake#highlights#DefineHighlights() endif endfunction function! neomake#setup#setup_autocmds() abort augroup neomake au! if !exists('*nvim_buf_add_highlight') autocmd BufEnter * call neomake#highlights#ShowHighlights() endif if has('timers') autocmd CursorMoved * call neomake#CursorMovedDelayed() " Force-redraw display of current error after resizing Vim, which appears " to clear the previously echoed error. autocmd VimResized * call timer_start(100, function('neomake#EchoCurrentError')) else autocmd CursorHold,CursorHoldI * call neomake#CursorMoved() endif autocmd VimLeave * call neomake#VimLeave() autocmd ColorScheme * call neomake#setup#define_highlights() augroup END endfunction " vim: ts=4 sw=4 et