require_relative "../helper" require "json" describe "Lib" do include WithTemporaryDirectory before do # Some tests may change the working directory, so reset it to a known good. $vim.command "cd #{Dir.getwd}" Dir.mkdir File.join(@dir, "node_modules") end def set_node_version(version) executable = File.join(@dir, "node") touch executable, <<-end.strip #!/bin/sh [ $# != 1 -o "$1" != --version ] && exit 1 echo "v#{version}" end File.chmod 0755, executable $vim.command(%(let $PATH = "#@dir:" . $PATH)) end describe "node#lib#find" do def find(name) path = $vim.echo(%(node#lib#find("#{name}", expand("%")))) File.exists?(path) ? File.realpath(path) : path end it "must return ./README before ./README.js" do target = touch File.join(@dir, "README") touch File.join(@dir, "README.js") $vim.edit File.join(@dir, "index.js") find("./README").must_equal target end it "must return ./README.txt relative to file" do target = touch File.join(@dir, "lib", "README.txt") $vim.edit File.join(@dir, "lib", "index.js") find("./README.txt").must_equal target end it "must return ../README.txt" do target = touch File.join(@dir, "README.txt") Dir.mkdir File.join(@dir, "lib") $vim.edit File.join(@dir, "lib", "index.js") find("../README.txt").must_equal target end it "must return /.../README.txt" do target = touch File.join(@dir, "README.txt") Dir.mkdir File.join(@dir, "lib") $vim.edit File.join(@dir, "lib", "index.js") find("#@dir/README.txt").must_equal target end it "must return ./other.js given ./other" do target = touch File.join(@dir, "other.js") $vim.edit File.join(@dir, "index.js") find("./other").must_equal target end it "must return ./other.jsx given ./other" do target = touch File.join(@dir, "other.jsx") $vim.edit File.join(@dir, "index.js") find("./other").must_equal target end it "must return ./ given ./other" do target = touch File.join(@dir, "") $vim.edit File.join(@dir, "index.js") find("./other").must_equal target end it "must return ./other.js given ./other relative to file" do target = touch File.join(@dir, "lib", "other.js") $vim.edit File.join(@dir, "lib", "index.js") find("./other").must_equal target end it "must return ./other.js before ./other/index.js given ./other" do target = touch File.join(@dir, "other.js") touch File.join(@dir, "other", "index.js") $vim.edit File.join(@dir, "index.js") find("./other").must_equal target end it "must return ../other.js given ../other" do target = touch File.join(@dir, "other.js") Dir.mkdir File.join(@dir, "lib") $vim.edit File.join(@dir, "lib", "index.js") find("../other").must_equal target end it "must return /.../other.js given /.../other" do target = touch File.join(@dir, "other.js") Dir.mkdir File.join(@dir, "lib") $vim.edit File.join(@dir, "lib", "index.js") find("#@dir/other").must_equal target end it "must return ./package.json given ./package" do target = touch File.join(@dir, "package.json") $vim.edit File.join(@dir, "index.js") find("./package").must_equal target end it "must return ./index.js given ." do target = touch File.join(@dir, "index.js") $vim.edit File.join(@dir, "other.js") find(".").must_equal target end it "must return ./index.js given ./" do target = touch File.join(@dir, "index.js") $vim.edit File.join(@dir, "other.js") find("./").must_equal target end it "must not find ./index/index.js given ./" do touch File.join(@dir, "index", "index.js") $vim.edit File.join(@dir, "other.js") $vim.echo(%(empty(node#lib#find("./", expand("%"))))).must_equal "1" end it "must not find ./.js given ./" do touch File.join(@dir, ".js") $vim.edit File.join(@dir, "other.js") $vim.echo(%(empty(node#lib#find("./", expand("%"))))).must_equal "1" end it "must return ../index.js given .." do target = touch File.join(@dir, "index.js") Dir.mkdir File.join(@dir, "lib") $vim.edit File.join(@dir, "lib", "other.js") find("..").must_equal target end it "must return ../index.js given ../" do target = touch File.join(@dir, "index.js") Dir.mkdir File.join(@dir, "lib") $vim.edit File.join(@dir, "lib", "other.js") find("../").must_equal target end it "must return /.../index.js given /..." do target = touch File.join(@dir, "index.js") Dir.mkdir File.join(@dir, "lib") $vim.edit File.join(@dir, "lib", "index.js") find("#@dir").must_equal target end it "must return /.../index.js given /.../" do target = touch File.join(@dir, "index.js") Dir.mkdir File.join(@dir, "lib") $vim.edit File.join(@dir, "lib", "index.js") find("#@dir/").must_equal target end it "must return ./lib/index.js given ./lib" do target = touch File.join(@dir, "lib", "index.js") $vim.edit File.join(@dir, "index.js") find("./lib").must_equal target end it "must return ./lib/other.js given ./lib with main" do target = touch File.join(@dir, "lib", "other.js") touch File.join(@dir, "lib", "package.json"), JSON.dump(:main => "other") $vim.edit File.join(@dir, "index.js") find("./lib").must_equal target end it "must return ./lib/index.js given ./lib with empty main" do target = touch File.join(@dir, "lib", "index.js") touch File.join(@dir, "lib", "package.json"), JSON.dump(:main => "") $vim.edit File.join(@dir, "index.js") find("./lib").must_equal target end it "must return ./lib/index.js given ./lib with non-existent main" do target = touch File.join(@dir, "lib", "index.js") touch File.join(@dir, "lib", "package.json"), JSON.dump(:main => "new") $vim.edit File.join(@dir, "index.js") find("./lib").must_equal target end it "must return ./other.js before ./other/index.js given . with main" do touch File.join(@dir, "package.json"), JSON.dump(:main => "other") target = touch File.join(@dir, "other.js") touch File.join(@dir, "other", "index.js") $vim.edit File.join(@dir, "index.js") find(".").must_equal target end it "must return node_modules/foo/index.js given foo" do index = File.join(@dir, "node_modules", "foo", "index.js") touch index $vim.edit File.join(@dir, "index.js") find("foo").must_equal index end it "must return node_modules/foo/other.js given foo/other" do other = File.join(@dir, "node_modules", "foo", "other.js") touch other $vim.edit File.join(@dir, "index.js") find("foo/other").must_equal other end it "must return node_modules/foo/other.js given foo/other.js" do other = File.join(@dir, "node_modules", "foo", "other.js") touch other $vim.edit File.join(@dir, "index.js") find("foo/other.js").must_equal other end # When package.json refers to a regular file. it "must return node_modules/foo/other.js given foo with main" do mod = File.join(@dir, "node_modules", "foo") touch File.join(mod, "package.json"), JSON.dump(:main => "./other.js") target = touch File.join(mod, "other.js") $vim.edit File.join(@dir, "index.js") find("foo").must_equal target end # When package.json refers to a directory. it "must return node_modules/foo/lib/index.js given foo with main as ./lib" do mod = File.join(@dir, "node_modules", "foo") touch File.join(mod, "package.json"), JSON.dump(:main => "./lib") target = touch File.join(mod, "lib/index.js") $vim.edit File.join(@dir, "index.js") find("foo").must_equal target end it "must return node_modules/foo/lib/index.js given foo with main as lib" do mod = File.join(@dir, "node_modules", "foo") touch File.join(mod, "package.json"), JSON.dump(:main => "lib") target = touch File.join(mod, "lib/index.js") $vim.edit File.join(@dir, "index.js") find("foo").must_equal target end it "must return node_modules/@scope/foo/index.js given @scope/foo" do target = File.join(@dir, "node_modules", "@scope", "foo", "index.js") touch target $vim.edit File.join(@dir, "index.js") find("@scope/foo").must_equal target end it "must return empty when looking for nothing" do $vim.edit File.join(@dir, "index.js") $vim.echo(%(empty(node#lib#find("", expand("%"))))).must_equal "1" end it "must return empty when nothing found" do $vim.edit File.join(@dir, "index.js") $vim.echo(%(empty(node#lib#find("new", expand("%"))))).must_equal "1" end it "must return URL for core module for current Node version" do set_node_version "0.13.37" $vim.edit File.join(@dir, "index.js") url = "" find("assert").must_equal url end it "must return URL for core module on master if no Node version" do touch File.join(@dir, "node"), "#!/bin/sh\nexit 1" File.chmod 0755, File.join(@dir, "node") $vim.edit File.join(@dir, "index.js") $vim.command(%(let $PATH = "#@dir:" . $PATH)) url = "" find("assert").must_equal url end it "must return URL for node.js for current Node version" do set_node_version "0.13.37" $vim.edit File.join(@dir, "index.js") url = "" find("node").must_equal url end it "must return URL for node.js on master if no Node version" do touch File.join(@dir, "node"), "#!/bin/sh\nexit 1" File.chmod 0755, File.join(@dir, "node") $vim.edit File.join(@dir, "index.js") $vim.command(%(let $PATH = "#@dir:" . $PATH)) url = "" find("node").must_equal url end end describe "node#lib#glob" do require "json" before do $vim.edit File.join(@dir, "index.js") end def glob(arg = "") # Because of possible locale and filesystem case-sensitiveness # differences, sort the output explicitly to be resistant. JSON.parse($vim.echo(%(node#lib#glob("#{arg}"))).gsub("'", '"')).sort end describe "given nothing" do it "must return files and directories" do touch File.join(@dir, "index.js") touch File.join(@dir, "README.txt") Dir.mkdir File.join(@dir, "test") files = %w[./README.txt ./index.js ./test/] glob.must_equal (CORE_MODULES + files).sort end it "must return modules and core modules" do FileUtils.mkpath File.join(@dir, "node_modules", "require-guard") FileUtils.mkpath File.join(@dir, "node_modules", "export") FileUtils.mkpath File.join(@dir, "node_modules", "soul") glob.must_equal (CORE_MODULES + %w[export/ require-guard/ soul/]).sort end it "must return core modules without slashes" do glob.must_equal CORE_MODULES glob.wont_equal /\// end # Even though node.js is the bootstrapper file in src/. it "must return \"node\" as one of those core modules" do glob.must_include "node" end it "must return files, directories and modules" do FileUtils.mkpath File.join(@dir, "node_modules", "export") FileUtils.mkpath File.join(@dir, "node_modules", "soul") touch File.join(@dir, "index.js") touch File.join(@dir, "README.txt") Dir.mkdir File.join(@dir, "test") files = %w[./README.txt ./index.js ./test/ export/ soul/] glob.must_equal (CORE_MODULES + files).sort end it "must not return the node_modules directory" do FileUtils.mkpath File.join(@dir, "node_modules") glob.must_equal CORE_MODULES end end describe "given absolute path" do it "must return files and directories given /" do files = Dir.entries("/") files.reject! {|f| f =~ /^\./ } files.sort!! {|f| "/" + f }! {|f| ? f + "/" : f } glob("/").must_equal files end it "must return files and directories given /.../" do touch File.join(@dir, "index.js") touch File.join(@dir, "README") Dir.mkdir File.join(@dir, "test") files = %W[#@dir/README #@dir/index.js #@dir/node_modules/ #@dir/test/] glob(@dir).must_equal files end it "must return files and directories given /.../test" do touch File.join(@dir, "test", "index_test.js") touch File.join(@dir, "test", "helpers.js") files = %W[#@dir/test/helpers.js #@dir/test/index_test.js] glob(File.join(@dir, "test")).must_equal files end it "must not return modules along with files" do touch File.join(@dir, "index.js") touch File.join(@dir, "README") Dir.mkdir File.join(@dir, "test") FileUtils.mkpath File.join(@dir, "node_modules", "soul") files = %W[#@dir/README #@dir/index.js #@dir/node_modules/ #@dir/test/] glob(@dir).must_equal files end end describe "given relative path" do it "must return files and directories given ." do touch File.join(@dir, "index.js") touch File.join(@dir, "README") Dir.mkdir File.join(@dir, "test") glob(".").must_equal %W[./README ./index.js ./test/] end it "must return files and directories given ./" do touch File.join(@dir, "index.js") touch File.join(@dir, "README") Dir.mkdir File.join(@dir, "test") glob("./").must_equal %W[./README ./index.js ./test/] end it "must return files and directories given .//" do touch File.join(@dir, "index.js") touch File.join(@dir, "README.txt") Dir.mkdir File.join(@dir, "test") glob(".//").must_equal %W[.//README.txt .//index.js .//test/] end it "must return files and directories given .///" do touch File.join(@dir, "index.js") touch File.join(@dir, "README.txt") Dir.mkdir File.join(@dir, "test") glob(".///").must_equal %W[.///README.txt .///index.js .///test/] end it "must return files and directories given ./test" do touch File.join(@dir, "test", "test.js") touch File.join(@dir, "test", "helpers.js") glob("./test/").must_equal %W[./test/helpers.js ./test/test.js] end end describe "given module name" do it "must return files and directories given soul" do touch File.join(@dir, "node_modules", "soul", "index.js") touch File.join(@dir, "node_modules", "soul", "README") FileUtils.mkpath File.join(@dir, "node_modules", "soul", "test") glob("soul").must_equal %w[soul/README soul/index.js soul/test/] end it "must return files and directories given soul/" do touch File.join(@dir, "node_modules", "soul", "index.js") FileUtils.mkpath File.join(@dir, "node_modules", "soul", "test") glob("soul/").must_equal %w[soul/index.js soul/test/] end it "must return files and directories given soul//" do touch File.join(@dir, "node_modules", "soul", "index.js") FileUtils.mkpath File.join(@dir, "node_modules", "soul", "test") glob("soul//").must_equal %w[soul//index.js soul//test/] end it "must return files and directories given soul///" do touch File.join(@dir, "node_modules", "soul", "index.js") FileUtils.mkpath File.join(@dir, "node_modules", "soul", "test") glob("soul///").must_equal %w[soul///index.js soul///test/] end it "must return files and directories given soul/test" do touch File.join(@dir, "node_modules", "soul", "test", "test.js") touch File.join(@dir, "node_modules", "soul", "test", "helpers.js") glob("soul/test").must_equal %w[soul/test/helpers.js soul/test/test.js] end end end describe "node#lib#version" do it "should return current Node's version" do set_node_version "0.13.37" $vim.echo("node#lib#version()").must_equal "0.13.37" end end end