# revela A static web image gallery generator. It optimizes images for the web and generates HTML files to create a photo/image gallery web site ready to be served by an HTML server. EARLY STAGES! It's functional but still rough around the edges. ## Building revela depends on GraphicsMagick (1.3+ tested) and libexif (0.6+ tested). ``` git submodule update --init make ``` or for debugging: ``` DEBUG=1 make ``` ## TODO: * Fix template generation on outdated html files. Right now if, for example, a new image was added, the templates for the next and prev images, and the album are not updated accordingly. * Add exif tags to template hashmap. * Improve unja or find better alternative. * Get rid of previews variable. It is a temporary hack to limit the amount of thumbnails for each album in the index. * Better test coverage? (if I am not too lazy) * Document.