revela(1) # NAME revela - static image gallery generator. # SYNOPSIS *revela* [_OPTIONS_] <_-o OUTPUT DIR_> *revela-init* # DESCRIPTION *revela* is a static web image gallery generator. It optimizes images for the web and generates HTML files to create a photo/image gallery web site ready to be served by an HTML server. revela takes a directory with pictures, jinja-like templates and converts that into a static web gallery of said pictures organized into albums. The root of the input directory should contain at least the following directories and files: *content* - The directory with subdirectories that each contain pictures. Each subdirectory with pictures is considered an album. Each album should contain an album.ini file, for information on the format of this file read revela(5). *static* - Directory with 'static' directories and files to be copied as-is to the root of the output directory. Here you can put any static assets such as favicons, css, etc. *templates* - Here should go the templates for the website. There should be at least three files: _index.html_, _image.html_ and _album.html_. There can also be parent templates used by any of those three templates. *site.ini* - The configuration for the site, such as title, base url and image optimizations. For more information consult revela(5). *revela-init* is an interactive helper script that generates a _site.ini_ file and copies the default templates provided with revela in the working directory from where it was called. # OPTIONS *-i* _DIRECTORY_ Indicate the input directory. If not indicated it will default to the current working dir. *-o* _DIRECTORY_ The output directory. This is the only required flag. *-n* Dry run. Show which files would be copied and which html files rendered but don't do anything. *-V* Prints version information and exits. # SEE ALSO *revela*(5) # AUTHORS Yaroslav de la Peña Smirnov .