#include "site.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "fs.h" #include "log.h" #include "hmap.h" /* TODO: handle error cases for paths that are too long */ #define THUMB_SUFFIX "_thumb" static const char *index_html = "index.html"; /* * Checks where the removed image used to be based on the modification time of * the image dir and updates the html of the images between which it used to be, * if they haven't been updated yet. */ static bool prerm_imagedir(const char *path, void *data) { struct stat st; struct album *album = data; char htmlpath[PATH_MAX]; if (stat(path, &st)) { log_printl_errno(LOG_ERROR, "Couldn't stat %s", path); return false; } if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { struct image *old = image_old(&st); struct bstnode *imnode = bstree_add(album->images, old), *prev = bstree_predecessor(imnode), *next = bstree_successor(imnode); if (prev) { struct image *imprev = (struct image *)prev->value; if (!imprev->modified) { joinpathb(htmlpath, imprev->dst, index_html); if (!render_make_image(&album->site->render, htmlpath, imprev)) { goto fail; } } } if (next) { struct image *imnext = (struct image *)next->value; if (!imnext->modified) { joinpathb(htmlpath, imnext->dst, index_html); if (!render_make_image(&album->site->render, htmlpath, imnext)) { goto fail; } } } bstree_remove(album->images, imnode); return true; fail: bstree_remove(album->images, imnode); return false; } return true; } static bool wand_passfail(MagickWand *wand, MagickPassFail status) { if (status != MagickPass) { char *desc; ExceptionType severity; desc = MagickGetException(wand, &severity); log_printl(LOG_FATAL, "GraphicsMagick error: %.1024s severity: %d\n", desc, severity); return false; } return true; } #define TRYWAND(w, f) if (!wand_passfail(w, f)) goto magick_fail static bool optimize_image(MagickWand *wand, const char *dst, const struct image_config *conf, const struct timespec *srcmtim, bool dry) { log_printl(LOG_DETAIL, "Converting %s", dst); if (dry) goto out; unsigned long nx = conf->max_width, ny = conf->max_height; if (conf->strip) { TRYWAND(wand, MagickStripImage(wand)); } TRYWAND(wand, MagickSetCompressionQuality(wand, conf->quality)); unsigned long x = MagickGetImageWidth(wand), y = MagickGetImageHeight(wand); /* Resize only if the image is actually bigger. No point in making small * images bigger. */ if (x > nx || y > ny) { if (conf->smart_resize) { double ratio = (double)x / y; if (x > y) { ny = nx / ratio; } else { nx = ny * ratio; } } TRYWAND(wand, MagickResizeImage(wand, nx, ny, GaussianFilter, conf->blur)); } TRYWAND(wand, MagickWriteImage(wand, dst)); setdatetime(dst, srcmtim); out: return true; magick_fail: return false; } static bool images_walk(struct bstnode *node, void *data) { struct site *site = data; struct image *image = node->value; struct stat dstat; struct timespec ddate = { .tv_sec = image->tstamp, .tv_nsec = 0 }; int imgupdate, thumbupdate; char htmlpath[PATH_MAX]; const char *base = rbasename(image->dst); log_printl(LOG_DEBUG, "Image: %s, datetime %s", image->basename, image->datestr); if (!nmkdir(image->dst, &dstat, site->dry_run)) return false; imgupdate = file_is_uptodate(image->dst_image, &image->modtime); if (imgupdate == -1) goto magick_fail; thumbupdate = file_is_uptodate(image->dst_image, &image->modtime); if (thumbupdate == -1) goto magick_fail; if (!site->dry_run && (!imgupdate || !thumbupdate)) { TRYWAND(site->wand, MagickReadImage(site->wand, image->source)); } if (!imgupdate && !optimize_image(site->wand, image->dst_image, &site->config->images, &image->modtime, site->dry_run)) { goto magick_fail; } if (!thumbupdate && !optimize_image(site->wand, image->dst_thumb, &site->config->thumbnails, &image->modtime, site->dry_run)) { goto magick_fail; } if (!site->dry_run && (!imgupdate || !thumbupdate)) { MagickRemoveImage(site->wand); } joinpathb(htmlpath, image->dst, index_html); hmap_set(image->album->preserved, base, (char *)base); int isupdate = file_is_uptodate(htmlpath, &site->render.modtime); if (isupdate == -1) return false; if (isupdate == 0) { if (!render_make_image(&site->render, htmlpath, image)) { return false; } image->modified = true; image->album->images_updated++; /* Check if previous image wasn't updated, if so, render it */ struct bstnode *prev = bstree_predecessor(node); if (prev) { struct image *iprev = prev->value; if (!iprev->modified) { joinpathb(htmlpath, iprev->dst, index_html); if (!render_make_image(&site->render, htmlpath, iprev)) { return false; } goto success; } } goto success; } /* * Render anyway if next image doesn't exist yet in directory or if previous * image was updated. */ struct bstnode *next = bstree_successor(node), *prev = NULL; if (next) { struct image *inext = next->value; if (access(inext->dst, F_OK) != 0) { image->album->images_updated++; return render_make_image(&site->render, htmlpath, image); } } if ((prev = bstree_predecessor(node)) != NULL) { struct image *iprev = prev->value; if (iprev->modified) { image->album->images_updated++; return render_make_image(&site->render, htmlpath, image); } } success: setdatetime(image->dst, &ddate); return true; magick_fail: return false; } static bool albums_walk(struct bstnode *node, void *data) { struct site *site = data; struct album *album = node->value; struct stat dstat; if (!nmkdir(album->slug, &dstat, site->dry_run)) return false; hmap_set(site->album_dirs, album->slug, (char *)album->slug); if (!site->dry_run) { if (!render_set_album_vars(&site->render, album)) return false; } log_printl(LOG_DEBUG, "Album: %s, datetime %s", album->slug, album->datestr); if (!bstree_inorder_walk(album->images->root, images_walk, site)) { return false; } hmap_set(album->preserved, index_html, (char *)index_html); ssize_t deleted = rmextra(album->slug, album->preserved, prerm_imagedir, album, site->dry_run); if (deleted < 0) { log_printl_errno(LOG_ERROR, "Something happened while deleting extraneous files"); } else { album->images_updated += deleted; } if (album->images_updated > 0) { site->render.albums_updated++; } char htmlpath[PATH_MAX]; joinpathb(htmlpath, album->slug, index_html); if (!render_make_album(&site->render, htmlpath, album)) return false; return true; } /* * Recursively traverse the content directory. If there are images in the * directory, "create" an album. If an album.ini was found, then the title and * description in that file are used. Otherwise, the date of the album is used * as its title. If the images are in the root of the content directory, then a * special "unorganized" album will be created. The title and description will * be used, but the slug will always be "unorganized". */ static bool traverse(struct site *site, const char *path, struct stat *dstat) { bool ok = true; DIR *dir = opendir(path); if (!dir) { log_printl_errno(LOG_FATAL, "Can't open directory %s", path); return false; } struct dirent *ent; struct album_config *album_conf = calloc(1, sizeof *album_conf); struct album *album = album_new(album_conf, site, path, path + site->rel_content_dir, dstat); if (album == NULL) { closedir(dir); return false; } while ((ent = readdir(dir))) { if (!strcmp(ent->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(ent->d_name, "..")) { continue; } struct stat fstats; char *subpath = joinpath(path, ent->d_name); if (stat(subpath, &fstats)) { log_printl_errno(LOG_FATAL, "Can't read %s", subpath); ok = false; goto fail; } if (S_ISDIR(fstats.st_mode)) { ok = traverse(site, subpath, &fstats); if (!ok) goto fail; } else if (!strcmp(ent->d_name, ALBUM_CONF)) { ok = album_config_read_ini(subpath, album_conf); if (!ok) goto fail; } else if (isimage(subpath)) { struct image *image = image_new(subpath, &fstats, album); if (image == NULL) { free(subpath); goto fail; } album_add_image(album, image); continue; } free(subpath); } if (album->images->root != NULL) { album_set_year(album); bstree_add(site->albums, album); closedir(dir); return true; } fail: album_destroy(album); closedir(dir); return ok; } bool site_build(struct site *site) { struct stat dstat; char staticp[PATH_MAX]; char startwd[PATH_MAX]; getcwd(startwd, PATH_MAX); if (!nmkdir(site->output_dir, &dstat, false)) return false; if (chdir(site->output_dir)) { log_printl_errno(LOG_FATAL, "Can't change to directory %s", site->output_dir); return false; } if (!bstree_inorder_walk(site->albums->root, albums_walk, (void *)site)) { return false; } if (!render_make_index(&site->render, index_html)) return false; hmap_set(site->album_dirs, index_html, (char *)index_html); joinpathb(staticp, site->root_dir, STATICDIR); if (stat(staticp, &dstat)) { if (errno != ENOENT) { log_printl_errno(LOG_FATAL, "Couldn't read static dir"); return false; } if (rmextra(site->output_dir, site->album_dirs, NULL, NULL, site->dry_run) < 0) { log_printl_errno(LOG_ERROR, "Something happened while deleting extraneous files"); } } else if (!filesync(staticp, site->output_dir, site->album_dirs, site->dry_run)) { log_printl(LOG_FATAL, "Can't copy static files"); return false; } chdir(startwd); return true; } bool site_load(struct site *site) { struct stat cstat; if (stat(site->content_dir, &cstat)) { log_printl_errno(LOG_FATAL, "Can't read %s", site->content_dir); return false; } if (!traverse(site, site->content_dir, &cstat)) return false; return render_init(&site->render, site->root_dir, site->config, site->albums); } bool site_init(struct site *site) { site->config = site_config_init(); if (!site_config_read_ini(site->root_dir, site->config)) return false; site->albums = bstree_new(album_cmp, album_destroy); if (site->root_dir == NULL) { site->root_dir = malloc(PATH_MAX); if (getcwd(site->root_dir, PATH_MAX) == NULL) { log_printl_errno(LOG_FATAL, "Couldn't get working directory"); return false; } } site->content_dir = joinpath(site->root_dir, CONTENTDIR); site->rel_content_dir = strlen(site->root_dir) + 1; InitializeMagick(NULL); site->wand = NewMagickWand(); site->album_dirs = hmap_new(); site->render.dry_run = site->dry_run; roscha_init(); return true; } void site_deinit(struct site *site) { if (site->albums) bstree_destroy(site->albums); site_config_destroy(site->config); free(site->content_dir); free(site->root_dir); free(site->output_dir); if (site->wand != NULL) { DestroyMagickWand(site->wand); DestroyMagick(); } if (!site->dry_run) { hmap_free(site->album_dirs); render_deinit(&site->render); } roscha_deinit(); }