#include #include #include "vendor/mpc.h" #include "template.h" char *read_file(char *filename) { char *input = malloc(BUFSIZ); unsigned int size = 0; FILE *f = fopen(filename, "r"); if (!f) { printf("Could not open \"%s\" for reading", filename); exit(1); } unsigned int read = 0; while ( (read = fread(input, 1, BUFSIZ, f)) > 0) { size += read; input = realloc(input, size + BUFSIZ); } fclose(f); input[size] = '\0'; return input; } char *trim_trailing_whitespace(char *str) { for (int i=strlen(str)-1; isspace(str[i]); i--) { str[i] = '\0'; } return str; } char *trim_leading_whitespace(char *str) { while (isspace(*str)) { str++; } return str; } int eval(char *dest, mpc_ast_t* t, struct hashmap *ctx) { static int trim_whitespace = 0; if (strstr(t->tag, "content|expression|")) { // maybe eat whitespace going backward if (strstr(t->children[1]->contents, "-")) { dest = trim_trailing_whitespace(dest); } // set flag for next eval() to trim leading whitespace from text if (strstr(t->children[3]->contents, "-")) { trim_whitespace = 1; } char *value = NULL; if (ctx != NULL && strstr(t->children[2]->tag, "symbol")) { char *key = t->children[2]->contents; value = hashmap_resolve(ctx, key); } else if(strstr(t->children[2]->tag, "number")) { value = t->children[2]->contents; } else if(strstr(t->children[2]->tag, "string")) { value = t->children[2]->children[1]->contents; } // TODO: Handle unexisting keys if (value == NULL) { return 1; } strcat(dest, value); return 0; } if (strstr(t->tag, "content|statement|for")) { char *tmp_key = t->children[2]->contents; char *iterator_key = t->children[4]->contents; struct vector *list = hashmap_resolve(ctx, iterator_key); for (int i=0; i < list->size; i++) { hashmap_insert(ctx, tmp_key, list->values[i]); eval(dest, t->children[6], ctx); } return 0; } if (strstr(t->tag, "content|text")) { char *str = t->contents; if (trim_whitespace) { str = trim_leading_whitespace(str); trim_whitespace = 0; } strcat(dest, str); return 0; } for (int i=0; i < t->children_num; i++) { eval(dest, t->children[i], ctx); } return 0; } mpc_parser_t *parser_init() { mpc_parser_t *symbol = mpc_new("symbol"); mpc_parser_t *number = mpc_new("number"); mpc_parser_t *string = mpc_new("string"); mpc_parser_t *text = mpc_new("text"); mpc_parser_t *expression = mpc_new("expression"); mpc_parser_t *comment = mpc_new("comment"); mpc_parser_t *statement = mpc_new("statement"); mpc_parser_t *statement_open = mpc_new("statement_open"); mpc_parser_t *statement_close = mpc_new("statement_close"); mpc_parser_t *statement_for = mpc_new("for"); mpc_parser_t *statement_if = mpc_new("if"); mpc_parser_t *statement_block = mpc_new("block"); mpc_parser_t *statement_extends = mpc_new("extends"); mpc_parser_t *body = mpc_new("body"); mpc_parser_t *content = mpc_new("content"); mpc_parser_t *template = mpc_new("template"); mpca_lang(MPCA_LANG_WHITESPACE_SENSITIVE, " symbol : /[a-zA-Z_.]+/ ;" " number : /[0-9]+/ ;" " string : '\"' /([^\"])*/ '\"' ;" " text : /[^{][^{%#]*/ ;" " expression : \"{{\" /-? */ ( | | ) / *-?/ \"}}\" ;" " comment : \"{#\" /[^#][^#}]*/ \"#}\" ;" " statement_open: \"{%\" /-? */;" " statement_close: / *-?/ \"%}\";" " for : \"for \" \" in \" \"endfor\" ;" " block : \"block \" \"endblock\" ;" " extends : \"extends \" ;" /* TODO: Extend parser to include expression */ " if : \"if \" \"endif\" ;" " statement : | | | ;" " content : | | | ;" " body : * ;" " template : /^/ /$/ ;", symbol, number, string, expression, text, comment, statement_open, statement_close, statement, statement_if, statement_for, statement_block, statement_extends, content, body, template, NULL); return template; } char *template(char *tmpl, struct hashmap *ctx) { mpc_parser_t *parser = parser_init(); mpc_result_t r; if (!mpc_parse("input", tmpl, parser, &r)) { mpc_err_print(r.error); mpc_err_delete(r.error); return NULL; } #if DEBUG printf("Template: %s\n", tmpl); printf("AST: "); mpc_ast_print(r.output); printf("\n"); #endif // FIXME: Allocate precisely char *output = malloc(strlen(tmpl) * 2); output[0] = '\0'; eval(output, r.output, ctx); mpc_ast_delete(r.output); return output; }