#include #include #include #include #define START_TESTS int main() { #define END_TESTS } #define TEST(name) strcpy(current_test, #name); #define assert_str(actual, expected) _assert(strcmp(actual, expected) == 0, __FILE__, __LINE__, "invalid string: expected %s, got %s", expected, actual) #define assert(assertion, format, ...) _assert(assertion, __FILE__, __LINE__, format, ##__VA_ARGS__) /* used to store the running test name */ char current_test[256] = {'\0'}; static void _assert(int assertion, const char filename[64], const int line, char *format, ...) { if (assertion) { return; } va_list args; va_start(args, format); printf("%s:%d:%s failed: ", filename, line, current_test); vprintf(format, args); va_end(args); printf("\n"); }