path: root/content/weblog
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+title = "Nueva versión de w3blog, v0.5"
+date = 2018-10-10T12:04:00Z
+Después de unos meses sin mucho tiempo libre, la semana pasada al fin me pude
+sentar a trabajar en la siguiente actualización para mi motor de blog, la cual
+ha estado en mi lista de cosas por hacer un buen tiempo. Esta nueva
+actualización incluye mejores y nuevas capacidades para w3blog.
+<!-- more -->
+Primero que nada, en el lado del "front end" (la parte del cliente) me deshice
+de Bootstrap y JQuery, y rehice la hoja de estilos por defecto de w3blog. Ahora
+el estilo por defecto de w3blog es agradable y bonito, y lo más importante, es
+más ligero (por el hecho de que no hace uso de Bootstrap + Jquery). La hoja de
+estilos CSS sin minimizar pesa solamente 5.6K (a contrario de los 138K de
+Bootstrap sin minimizar), y por supuesto, el sitio también pesa menos a
+consecuencia de haberse deshecho de JQuery (Realmente sólo hacía falta para
+Cómo lucía v0.4
+Como luce v0.5
+Hablando de mejoras, los comentarios ahora incluyen la fecha de su publicación. No estoy seguro de como es que es había dejado pasar por alto por tanto tiempo su ausencia.
+Las nuevas características son:
+* Carga dinámica de entradas en la página principal, páginas de categorías y de
+ archivo. Si activas esta opción, en lugar de obtener los tradicionales botones
+ de paginación al fondo de la página, aparece un botón para cargar
+ dinámicamente las siguientes entradas, de tal forma no se carga toda una nueva
+ página desde cero. Se activa agregando `'dynamic_load': True` a
+* Scroll infinito para la carga dinámica. Al activar esta opción, y la de carga
+ dinámica, después de llegar al fondo de la página (principal, categorías,
+ archivo), la siguiente partida de entradas es cargada automáticamente con
+ AJAX. Para activarlo enciende la opción de carga dinámica (mira el primer
+ punto) y agrega `'infinite_load': True` a `WEBLOG_SETTINGS`.
+* Barra lateral flotante. Esta función hace que la barra lateral flote junto al
+ contenido después de desplazar la página pasado la barra de navegación. Activa
+ esta función agregando `'floating_sidebar': True` a `WEBLOG_SETTINGS`.
+Estos son básicamente todos los cambios en esta versión. Si ya estás usando
+w3blog, y usas tus propios CSS, tendrás que readaptarlos, ya que las plantillas
+han cambiado un poco, principalmente las clases de HTML/CSS.
+Tenía planes para más novedades en esta versión, pero he decidido posponerlos
+por ahora. Uno de ellos era una forma de poder agregar elementos adicionales a
+la barra lateral sin tener que modificar las plantillas de w3blog.
+Desafortunadamente no encontré una forma racional de hacerlo.
+Si tienes algún problema usando w3blog, o inclusive sugerencias, la primera
+opción sería abrir un "issue" en la página de Github, o si no tienes cuenta de
+GitHub (y no deseas crear una nueva cuenta), puedes escribirme un correo
+electrónico a [contact@yaroslavps.com](mailto:contact@yaroslavps.com). Sin
+embargo, si usas uno de los grandes proveedores de email (por ejemplo, outlook o
+gmail), mi respuesta podría ser bloqueada por tu proveedor.
+[Página de GitHub de w3blog](https://github.com/Yaroslav-95/w3blog).
diff --git a/content/weblog/2018-10-10_w3blog-v05-release/index.md b/content/weblog/2018-10-10_w3blog-v05-release/index.md
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+title = "New w3blog release, version 0.5"
+date = 2018-10-10T12:04:00Z
+After some months without much free time, I finally could sit down a week ago
+and start working on an update to my blog engine that had been sitting on my
+to-do list for quite some time. This update brings improvements and new
+features to w3blog.
+<!-- more -->
+First of all, bloat was removed on the front end (client) side of things. I
+got rid of Bootstrap, and JQuery, and rewrote the default CSS sheet. The
+default look of the engine is actually pleasant to look at, the css sheet
+weighs only 5.6K unminified (vs 138K of minified bootstrap's css), and of
+course weight has also been slimmed down by removing JQuery (it was only
+really needed by bootstrap).
+v0.4 default look
+v0.5 default look
+Speaking about improvements, comments now have a date of publishing. Really not
+sure how I overlooked such a thing for so long.
+The new features are:
+* Dynamic loading of posts on the main page, and category and archive pages. If
+ you turn on this feature, instead of getting the traditional pagination
+ buttons at the end of the page, you get a button to load the next batch of
+ posts through AJAX, so that it doesn't load a whole new page. You turn this
+ by adding `'dynamic_load': True` to `WEBLOG_SETTINGS`.
+* Infinite scroll for dynamic loading. When this and dynamic loading are
+ active, after scrolling to the bottom of the page (index, category page,
+ archive page), the next batch of posts are loaded automatically through AJAX.
+ Turn on dynamic loading (see above) and add `'infinite_load': True` to
+* Floating sidebar. To turn this feature on, you add `'floating_sidebar': True`
+ to `WEBLOG_SETTINGS`. What this does, is make the sidebar float next to the
+ content container after scrolling past the navbar and breadcrumb bar.
+* These are basically all of the changes in this new release. If you happen to
+ already be using w3blog and are using a custom css sheet, you will need to
+ redo your css since the templates changed a bit since version 0.4, mainly the
+ html/css classes used. You will also need to make migrations and migrate them
+ to the database.
+I had plans for other features for this release, but I decided to postpone them
+for now. One of them was a way to add custom elements/html to the sidebar
+without having to modify w3blog templates. Unfortunately I didn't find a sane
+way of doing this.
+If you have any issues with w3blog, or maybe even suggestions, the first option
+would be to open an issue on its Github page, if you don't have a Github
+account (and don't want to create one), you can write me an email at
+[contact@yaroslavps.com](mailto:contact@yaroslavps.com). However, if you are
+using one of the big email providers (e.g. outlook or gmail), my response could
+be blocked by your provider.
+[w3blog's GitHub page](https://github.com/Yaroslav-95/w3blog).
diff --git a/content/weblog/2018-10-10_w3blog-v05-release/index.ru.md b/content/weblog/2018-10-10_w3blog-v05-release/index.ru.md
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+title = "Новый выпуск w3blog - версия 0.5"
+date = 2018-10-10T12:04:00Z
+После несколько месяцев без особого свободного времени, оно наконец появилось и
+мне удалось сесть за работу над моим движком для блогов. Это обновление приносит
+некоторые улучшении и новые фишки для w3blog.
+<!-- more -->
+Первым делом, я избавился от лишнего в клиентской части. Избавился от Bootstrap
+и JQuery, и полностью переписал дефолтный CSS. А теперь приятно смотреть на
+дефолтный стиль страницы, таблицв стилей без сжатия весит всего 5.6К (По
+сравнению с 138К для сжатого CSS Bootstrap), и конечно сайт так же стал более
+легким за счет избавления JQuery (который в принципе нужен был бутстрапу).
+v0.4 - дефолтный вид
+дефолтный вид в v0.5
+И говоря про улучшения, комментарии наконец содержат дату публикации. Кажется я
+забыл добавить столь полезную функцию.
+Новые фишки:
+* Динамическая прогрузка постов на главной и страницах категорий и архива - Если
+ вы включите эту фичу, вместо обычных кнопок пагинации, появится в конце
+ страницы кнопка для прогрузки следующих постов через AJAX. Таким образом не
+ подгружается целая страница заново. Включите добавляя `'dynamic_load': True` в
+* Бесконечное пролистывание страницы для динамической прогрузки - Когда эта
+ опция и динамическая прогрузка включены, после пролистывания до конца
+ страницы, следующие посты автоматически прогружаются через AJAX. Включите
+ динамическую прогрузку (см. выше) и добавьте `'infinite_load': True` в
+* Плавающая боковая панель - Действия этой функции, сделать так чтобы боковая
+ панель плавала рядом с контентом после пролистывания страницы ниже
+ навигационной строки. Для активации добавьте `'floating_sidebar': True` в
+Это собственно все изменения внесены в этом новом релизе. Если вы уже
+пользуйтесь w3blog'ом, и вы используете свои собственны таблицы стилей, вам
+придется их переделать, поскольку шаблоны немного изменились с поседней (0.4)
+версей. В основном изменились классы HTML/CSS.
+Были планы и для другие фичи для этого релиза, но я решил их оставить на
+следующие релизы.Один из них является способ добавления элементов/HTML в боковую
+панель, без необходимости переписывание шаблонов w3blog'а. К сожалению я пока не
+нашел нормальный способ разработать такую функцию.
+Если у вас возникли проблемы при испоьзованию w3blog, или у вас есть советы либо
+комментарии, первый и наилучший вариант это открыть "issue" на странице
+Github'а. Если вдруг у вас нет аккаунта Github (и вы не желаете создать аккаунт,
+увы) напишите мне на адрес электронной почты
+[contact@yaroslavps.com](mailto:contact@yaroslavps.com). Однако, если вы
+пользуетесь одним из больших провайдеров электронной почты (например mail.ru,
+gmail) то возможно ваш провайдер заблокирует мое письмо с ответом, либо отправит
+в спам.
+If you have any issues with w3blog, or maybe even suggestions, the first option
+would be to open an issue on its Github page, if you don't have a Github
+account (and don't want to create one), you can write me an email at
+[contact@yaroslavps.com](mailto:contact@yaroslavps.com). However, if you are
+using one of the big email providers (e.g. outlook or gmail), my response could
+be blocked by your provider.
+[Страница GitHub](https://github.com/Yaroslav-95/w3blog).
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index 0000000..9929277
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+title = "Some thoughts on web design"
+date = 2018-10-20T02:25:00Z
+I am no designer by any means, I mostly prefer to deal with the technical side
+of things. However I do appreciate when things aren't an eyesore, and most
+importantly regarding technology, when the design doesn't get in the way. That
+is, I value more UX, than an overtly designed UI.
+<!-- more -->
+Early on websites were designed to just contain information, things like text
+and images, without any of the fancy things that come with today's websites.
+Nowadays it seems almost like a must that a website should have some kind of
+interactivity, even if it doesn't add any actual value to the website.
+I am not trying to say that websites should stay the same static things that
+they were in the past, rather, that a lot of bloat has been added to them in an
+attempt to make them more "appealing" and interactive, which is not a bad thing
+in and of itself.
+However, that trend has spawned a lot of bloated websites with unnecessary or
+even annoying gimmicks. Gimmicks like menus that open up automatically blocking
+the view of what you are reading, and assume that you actually need it at the
+moment. Or the worst offender, autoplaying videos.
+Setting aside my rants about the modern offenses of design and UX in web
+development, I want to focus on a couple of issues.
+## Typography/Readability
+I have started to notice lately that a great deal of
+websites tend to neglect what I think is one of the most important aspects in a
+good user experience (maybe except for media sites like youtube), and that is
+the text itself.
+The people who design these sites seem to pay too much attention to the overall
+style of the site and its elements, but don't seem to care about the actual
+legibility of them. One might think that font type and size should be enough,
+but those are far from the only important aspects to consider for comfortable
+reading. Line length and spacing are also key aspects, and might be even more
+important than the font you choose (just don't choose some quirky font like
+Comic Sans, for your readers sanity's sake).
+I came to the realization that line length is a really important aspect for a
+comfortable read, after having worked some time with LaTeX and wondering why it
+always defaulted to the same line length. I always noticed that documents
+produced in LaTeX were more pleasant to read than, for example, Word documents,
+and it was not only the font.
+So after some reading on the internet about the choices of the default styles
+for LaTeX, I realized how important line length is. I now understood why even
+PDFs were more pleasant to read than your average website.
+Consider a book. Have you ever read a book whose line length was more than 80
+characters? If so, that's a terrible book.
+There seems to be some consensus that an optimal line length should be between
+50-75 characters, spaces included (right now my blog's articles are at about 80
+characters, so there's room for improvement).
+If the line is too narrow, it breaks the reader's rhythm, and stresses them. If
+it is too wide, the read will have a harder time focusing on the text, it will
+be harder to gauge where the line ends and the next begin, and the reader's eyes
+will end up moving more horizontally, also stressing the reader in the end.
+A lot of websites tend to present the text in lines too long for comfortable
+reading. That factor ends up contributing in more readers skimming through text
+and not paying much attention to what has been written.
+One more thing would be line height. I've noticed that many websites tend to use
+most of the default styles for text, and sometimes the line height ends up being
+too small for the font used and the lines of text being crammed. It's not as bad
+as with the line length, but it is a problem present in some websites.
+## Bloat
+Oh boy, there's a lot that can be said about bloat on modern websites.
+I'll try to keep it short. I'll begin by writing about some "addons" that end up
+making sites heavier than they should.
+I feel like for most use cases JQuery is a really unnecessary thing to use. Most
+website don't need half the features that JQuery provides, and most of its
+features are just "shortcuts" that JS already offers by default. I mean, if
+you're using JQuery, most of the time, you're being lazy. JQuery makes your site
+unnecessarily heavier, although if your site is already JS-heavy, and the focus
+of your site is actually on providing some specific functionality, JQuery can be
+a great tool.
+Another thing that bloats sites, are CSS frameworks (e.g. Bootstrap). They can
+make life easier when building templates for your sites, but most of the time,
+as is the case with JQuery, you're not going to use half the features it
+provides. In this case, it can get worse, since you will most probably end up
+overriding a great deal of the default style provided with the framework anyway,
+especially if you don't want your site to look generic.
+Finally, on the topic of bloat, is feature and visual bloat.
+The biggest offenders I have found to be news sites, especially those kinds of
+"specialized" magazine type of sites. You enter the site to read the article,
+and most of your screen is occupied by ads, useless images and links to other
+articles and associated websites that distract you from your reading.
+And don't get me started on the autoplaying videos (I'm looking at you CNN,
+although I don't even know why I bother to read their ~~biased bullshit~~
+articles). If I opened up an article, I want to read. READ, not watch or listen
+some dude babbling about what I'm intending on reading. If I wanted to watch a
+video, I would have gone to the videos section of the site, or to YouTube.
+Might be just my humble opinion, but when I am reading, I like to see only the
+text in front of me, with maybe some links to the sides or top/bottom, to help
+me navigate, and maybe some images relevant to what I am reading.
+## Conclusion/Final words
+Keep those lines at a sane width, let your lines and characters breathe with a
+little bit of space, and maybe up your font size a bit if you notice you start
+squinting when trying to read.
+Fluid design doesn't mean that the container where your text is should occupy
+the entire width of your screen.
+Make beautiful, but lightweight (in bytes, and visually) websites, that are
+comfortable to read, and your readers will thank you.
+### Some links that might be of interest:
+* [https://baymard.com/blog/line-length-readability](https://baymard.com/blog/line-length-readability)
+* [https://www.paulolyslager.com/optimal-text-layout-line-length/](https://www.paulolyslager.com/optimal-text-layout-line-length/)
+* [http://bettermotherfuckingwebsite.com/](http://bettermotherfuckingwebsite.com/)
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sort_by = "date"
template = "weblog.html"
-paginate_by = 3
+paginate_by = 10