+++ title = "Parmesan potatoes" date = 2020-06-06T15:51:39Z +++ ![Parmesan potatoes](potatoes.jpg) A recipe that's easy and fast to prepare (I think I've said this too many times already). You can have this as a side dish, or for breakfast. Well, you can have it whenever and wherever you want if you are cooking it! We are grown ups here after all. ## Ingredients As you can already probably imagine, this dish doesn't require a lot of ingredients. The portions are for one average hungry student. If you want to have it as a side dish this should be enough for two persons. * 2-3 medium-sized potatoes * Butter * Parmesan cheese * Rosemary; dried should be fine, but fresh is obviously better * Salt * Black pepper ## Instructions 1. Cut the potatoes into small cubes. 2. Add some butter to a frying pan and heat up. 3. Add potatoes to frying pan, salt them and fry over medium heat for about 20-30 minutes moving the potatoes from time to time. 4. Shred some Parmesan cheese, and strip rosemary leaves from branch. 5. Remove potatoes from pan, serve and add the Parmesan, rosemary and some freshly ground pepper on top. 6. Enjoy!