+++ title = "Spaghetti alla Bolognese" date = 2022-03-29T21:09:21Z +++ ![Spaghetti alla Bolognese](recipe.jpg) A really fast and delicious pasta recipe. Probably the most well known pasta recipe around the world.[^1] ## Ingredients The following ingredients are for two hearty adult portions: * 400g ground beef * 1 medium onion * 200g spaghetti * 600–800g [tomato sauce](/food/basic-tomato-sauce/) * Olive oil * Oregano * Basil; optionally some fresh basil leaves * Parmesan cheese (optional) ## Instructions 1. Add olive oil to frying pan and heat to medium heat. 2. Dice onion and add to pan. 3. After frying the onions for a couple of minutes add the ground beef and salt it a bit. 4. While beef is cooking boil some water in a pot. After bringing water to a boil, salt it add spaghetti and cook it al dente. 5. Once beef is done, add tomato sauce, add some dried oregano and basil mix and let stew for about 3–5 minutes at medium-low heat. 6. Once spaghetti is done, drain it and add some olive oil to it. 7. Serve spaghetti first, then Bolognese sauce (beef and tomato sauce). 8. Optionally top with grated Parmesan, freshly ground pepper, and a couple fresh basil leaves. [^1]: Except probably Italy itself. Yes, this recipe is not actually Italian, per se.