+++ title = "French Press Coffee" date = 2022-04-07T19:37:18Z +++ ![French Press Coffee](recipe.jpg) A way of making a nice cup of coffee full of flavor, all without much effort. Why buy really expensive machines that require constant maintenance when you can get even better coffee with a very simple device? If you don't know what a french press is or even looks like, it's the device next to the mug in the photo. They are not expensive and they can also be used to brew tea and other drinks. I actually bought my first french press to make tea, and only later found out I could brew coffee with it. ## Ingredients The following ingredients are for one cup of black coffee: * 20g or 2 tablespoons coffee beans * 300ml water You could buy already ground coffee, but freshly ground coffee beans give a better taste. Just make sure you have a coffee grinder than can give you a uniform medium/coarse grind. ## Instructions 1. Heat the water to below boiling. 2. While the water is heating, grind the beans. You should get a uniform medium/coarse ground for best results. 3. Once the coffee is ground and water is hot enough, pour the ground coffee and the water into the french press. 4. Close the beaker **without** lowering the plunger. Let it sit for 4 minutes. 5. Take a teaspoon and stir a bit so that the grounds at the top sit down. If there's too much foam, remove the excess with the spoon. 6. Let it sit for another 4 minutes. 7. Once it's ready, slowly but steadily lower the plunger and pour the coffee to your favorite mug. Enjoy!