path: root/dotfiles/.local/share/nvim/site/autoload/neomake/statusline.vim
diff options
authorYaroslav <contact@yaroslavps.com>2020-08-10 19:46:27 +0300
committerYaroslav <contact@yaroslavps.com>2020-08-10 19:46:27 +0300
commitf030afd547a56ce3d6156a0a92dddaae275ee1d4 (patch)
tree023a5751169cc6ffdec1af998d703b5b8bcdae9f /dotfiles/.local/share/nvim/site/autoload/neomake/statusline.vim
parent812bcaaf2622dc27310e8579c181394cbc68f7a2 (diff)
simplify vim rice: use vimplug for managing plugins
Diffstat (limited to 'dotfiles/.local/share/nvim/site/autoload/neomake/statusline.vim')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 423 deletions
diff --git a/dotfiles/.local/share/nvim/site/autoload/neomake/statusline.vim b/dotfiles/.local/share/nvim/site/autoload/neomake/statusline.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 14fb543..0000000
--- a/dotfiles/.local/share/nvim/site/autoload/neomake/statusline.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,423 +0,0 @@
-scriptencoding utf-8
-unlockvar s:unknown_counts
-let s:unknown_counts = {}
-lockvar s:unknown_counts
-let s:counts = {}
-" Key: bufnr, Value: dict with cache keys.
-let s:cache = {}
-" For debugging.
-let g:neomake#statusline#_s = s:
-function! s:clear_cache(bufnr) abort
- if has_key(s:cache, a:bufnr)
- unlet s:cache[a:bufnr]
- endif
-function! neomake#statusline#clear_cache() abort
- let s:cache = {}
-function! s:incCount(counts, item, buf) abort
- if !empty(a:item.type) && (!a:buf || a:item.bufnr ==# a:buf)
- let type = toupper(a:item.type)
- let a:counts[type] = get(a:counts, type, 0) + 1
- if a:buf
- call s:clear_cache(a:buf)
- else
- let s:cache = {}
- endif
- return 1
- endif
- return 0
-function! neomake#statusline#make_finished(make_info) abort
- if a:make_info.options.file_mode
- let bufnr = a:make_info.options.bufnr
- if !empty(a:make_info.finished_jobs) && !has_key(s:counts, bufnr)
- let s:counts[bufnr] = {}
- endif
- call s:clear_cache(bufnr)
- else
- let s:cache = {}
- if !empty(a:make_info.finished_jobs) && !has_key(s:counts, 'project')
- let s:counts['project'] = {}
- endif
- endif
- " Trigger redraw of all statuslines.
- " TODO: only do this if some relevant formats are used?!
- redrawstatus!
-function! neomake#statusline#ResetCountsForBuf(...) abort
- let bufnr = a:0 ? +a:1 : bufnr('%')
- call s:clear_cache(bufnr)
- if has_key(s:counts, bufnr)
- let r = s:counts[bufnr] != {}
- unlet s:counts[bufnr]
- if r
- call neomake#utils#hook('NeomakeCountsChanged', {
- \ 'reset': 1, 'file_mode': 1, 'bufnr': bufnr})
- endif
- return r
- endif
- return 0
-function! neomake#statusline#ResetCountsForProject(...) abort
- let s:cache = {}
- if !has_key(s:counts, 'project')
- return 0
- endif
- let r = s:counts['project'] != {}
- let bufnr = bufnr('%')
- unlet s:counts['project']
- if r
- call neomake#utils#hook('NeomakeCountsChanged', {
- \ 'reset': 1, 'file_mode': 0, 'bufnr': bufnr})
- endif
- return r
-function! neomake#statusline#ResetCounts() abort
- let r = neomake#statusline#ResetCountsForProject()
- for bufnr in keys(s:counts)
- let r = neomake#statusline#ResetCountsForBuf(bufnr) || r
- endfor
- let s:counts = {}
- return r
-function! neomake#statusline#AddLoclistCount(buf, item) abort
- let s:counts[a:buf] = get(s:counts, a:buf, {})
- return s:incCount(s:counts[a:buf], a:item, a:buf)
-function! neomake#statusline#AddQflistCount(item) abort
- let s:counts['project'] = get(s:counts, 'project', {})
- return s:incCount(s:counts['project'], a:item, 0)
-function! neomake#statusline#LoclistCounts(...) abort
- let buf = a:0 ? a:1 : bufnr('%')
- if buf is# 'all'
- return s:counts
- endif
- return get(s:counts, buf, {})
-function! neomake#statusline#QflistCounts() abort
- return get(s:counts, 'project', s:unknown_counts)
-function! s:showErrWarning(counts, prefix) abort
- let w = get(a:counts, 'W', 0)
- let e = get(a:counts, 'E', 0)
- if w || e
- let result = a:prefix
- if e
- let result .= 'E:'.e
- endif
- if w
- if e
- let result .= ','
- endif
- let result .= 'W:'.w
- endif
- return result
- else
- return ''
- endif
-function! neomake#statusline#LoclistStatus(...) abort
- return s:showErrWarning(neomake#statusline#LoclistCounts(), a:0 ? a:1 : '')
-function! neomake#statusline#QflistStatus(...) abort
- return s:showErrWarning(neomake#statusline#QflistCounts(), a:0 ? a:1 : '')
-" Get counts for a bufnr or 'project'.
-" Returns all counts when used without arguments.
-function! neomake#statusline#get_counts(...) abort
- if a:0
- return get(s:counts, a:1, s:unknown_counts)
- endif
- return s:counts
-let s:formatter = {
- \ 'args': {},
- \ }
-function! s:formatter.running_job_names() abort
- let jobs = get(self.args, 'running_jobs', s:running_jobs(self.args.bufnr))
- let sep = get(self.args, 'running_jobs_separator', ', ')
- let format_running_job_file = get(self.args, 'format_running_job_file', '%s')
- let format_running_job_project = get(self.args, 'format_running_job_project', '%s!')
- let formatted = []
- for job in jobs
- if job.file_mode
- call add(formatted, printf(format_running_job_file, job.name))
- else
- call add(formatted, printf(format_running_job_project, job.name))
- endif
- endfor
- return join(formatted, sep)
-function! s:formatter._substitute(m) abort
- if has_key(self.args, a:m)
- return self.args[a:m]
- endif
- if !has_key(self, a:m)
- let self.errors += [printf('Unknown statusline format: {{%s}}.', a:m)]
- return '{{'.a:m.'}}'
- endif
- try
- return call(self[a:m], [], self)
- catch
- call neomake#log#error(printf(
- \ 'Error while formatting statusline: %s.', v:exception))
- endtry
-function! s:formatter.format(f, args) abort
- if empty(a:f)
- return a:f
- endif
- let self.args = a:args
- let self.errors = []
- let r = substitute(a:f, '{{\(.\{-}\)}}', '\=self._substitute(submatch(1))', 'g')
- if !empty(self.errors)
- call neomake#log#error(printf(
- \ 'Error%s when formatting %s: %s',
- \ len(self.errors) > 1 ? 's' : '',
- \ string(a:f), join(self.errors, ', ')))
- endif
- return r
-function! s:running_jobs(bufnr) abort
- return filter(copy(neomake#GetJobs()),
- \ "v:val.bufnr == a:bufnr && !get(v:val, 'canceled', 0)")
-function! s:format_running(format_running, options, bufnr, running_jobs) abort
- let args = {'bufnr': a:bufnr, 'running_jobs': a:running_jobs}
- for opt in ['running_jobs_separator', 'format_running_job_project', 'format_running_job_file']
- if has_key(a:options, opt)
- let args[opt] = a:options[opt]
- endif
- endfor
- return s:formatter.format(a:format_running, args)
-function! neomake#statusline#get_status(bufnr, options) abort
- let filemode_jobs = []
- let project_jobs = []
- let format_running = get(a:options, 'format_running', '… ({{running_job_names}})')
- if format_running isnot 0
- let running_jobs = s:running_jobs(a:bufnr)
- if !empty(running_jobs)
- for j in running_jobs
- if j.file_mode
- let filemode_jobs += [j]
- else
- let project_jobs += [j]
- endif
- endfor
- endif
- endif
- let r_loclist = ''
- let r_quickfix = ''
- let use_highlights_with_defaults = get(a:options, 'use_highlights_with_defaults', 1)
- " Location list counts.
- let loclist_counts = get(s:counts, a:bufnr, s:unknown_counts)
- if !empty(filemode_jobs)
- let r_loclist = s:format_running(format_running, a:options, a:bufnr, filemode_jobs)
- elseif empty(loclist_counts)
- if loclist_counts is s:unknown_counts
- let format_unknown = get(a:options, 'format_loclist_unknown', '?')
- let r_loclist = s:formatter.format(format_unknown, {'bufnr': a:bufnr})
- else
- let format_ok = get(a:options, 'format_loclist_ok', use_highlights_with_defaults ? '%#NeomakeStatusGood#✓%#NeomakeStatReset#' : '✓')
- let r_loclist = s:formatter.format(format_ok, {'bufnr': a:bufnr})
- endif
- else
- let format_loclist = get(a:options, 'format_loclist_issues',
- \ use_highlights_with_defaults ? '%s%%#NeomakeStatReset#' : '%s')
- if !empty(format_loclist)
- let loclist = ''
- for [type, c] in items(loclist_counts)
- if has_key(a:options, 'format_loclist_type_'.type)
- let format = a:options['format_loclist_type_'.type]
- elseif has_key(a:options, 'format_loclist_type_default')
- let format = a:options['format_loclist_type_default']
- else
- let hl = ''
- if use_highlights_with_defaults
- if hlexists('NeomakeStatColorType'.type)
- let hl = '%#NeomakeStatColorType{{type}}#'
- elseif hlexists('NeomakeStatColorDefault')
- let hl = '%#NeomakeStatColorDefault#'
- endif
- endif
- let format = hl.' {{type}}:{{count}} '
- endif
- let loclist .= s:formatter.format(format, {
- \ 'bufnr': a:bufnr,
- \ 'count': c,
- \ 'type': type})
- endfor
- let r_loclist = printf(format_loclist, loclist)
- endif
- endif
- " Quickfix counts.
- let qflist_counts = get(s:counts, 'project', s:unknown_counts)
- if !empty(project_jobs)
- let r_quickfix = s:format_running(format_running, a:options, a:bufnr, project_jobs)
- elseif empty(qflist_counts)
- let format_ok = get(a:options, 'format_quickfix_ok', '')
- if !empty(format_ok)
- let r_quickfix = s:formatter.format(format_ok, {'bufnr': a:bufnr})
- endif
- else
- let format_quickfix = get(a:options, 'format_quickfix_issues',
- \ use_highlights_with_defaults ? '%s%%#NeomakeStatReset#' : '%s')
- if !empty(format_quickfix)
- let quickfix = ''
- for [type, c] in items(qflist_counts)
- if has_key(a:options, 'format_quickfix_type_'.type)
- let format = a:options['format_quickfix_type_'.type]
- elseif has_key(a:options, 'format_quickfix_type_default')
- let format = a:options['format_quickfix_type_default']
- else
- let hl = ''
- if use_highlights_with_defaults
- if hlexists('NeomakeStatColorQuickfixType'.type)
- let hl = '%#NeomakeStatColorQuickfixType{{type}}#'
- elseif hlexists('NeomakeStatColorQuickfixDefault')
- let hl = '%#NeomakeStatColorQuickfixDefault#'
- endif
- endif
- let format = hl.' Q{{type}}:{{count}} '
- endif
- if !empty(format)
- let quickfix .= s:formatter.format(format, {
- \ 'bufnr': a:bufnr,
- \ 'count': c,
- \ 'type': type})
- endif
- endfor
- let r_quickfix = printf(format_quickfix, quickfix)
- endif
- endif
- let format_lists = get(a:options, 'format_lists', '{{loclist}}{{lists_sep}}{{quickfix}}')
- if empty(r_loclist) || empty(r_quickfix)
- let lists_sep = ''
- else
- let lists_sep = get(a:options, 'lists_sep', ' ')
- endif
- return s:formatter.format(format_lists, {'loclist': r_loclist, 'quickfix': r_quickfix, 'lists_sep': lists_sep})
-function! neomake#statusline#get(bufnr, ...) abort
- let options = a:0 ? a:1 : {}
- let cache_key = string(options)
- if !exists('s:cache[a:bufnr][cache_key]')
- if !has_key(s:cache, a:bufnr)
- let s:cache[a:bufnr] = {}
- endif
- let bufnr = +a:bufnr
- " TODO: needs to go into cache key then!
- if getbufvar(bufnr, '&filetype') ==# 'qf'
- let s:cache[bufnr][cache_key] = ''
- else
- let [disabled, src] = neomake#config#get_with_source('disabled', -1, {'bufnr': bufnr, 'log_source': 'statusline#get'})
- if src ==# 'default'
- let disabled_scope = ''
- else
- let disabled_scope = src[0]
- endif
- if disabled != -1 && disabled
- " Automake Disabled
- let format_disabled_info = get(options, 'format_disabled_info', '{{disabled_scope}}-')
- let disabled_info = s:formatter.format(format_disabled_info,
- \ {'disabled_scope': disabled_scope})
- " Defaults to showing the disabled information (i.e. scope)
- let format_disabled = get(options, 'format_status_disabled', '{{disabled_info}} %s')
- let outer_format = s:formatter.format(format_disabled, {'disabled_info': disabled_info})
- else
- " Automake Enabled
- " Defaults to showing only the status
- let format_enabled = get(options, 'format_status_enabled', '%s')
- let outer_format = s:formatter.format(format_enabled, {})
- endif
- let format_status = get(options, 'format_status', '%s')
- let status = neomake#statusline#get_status(bufnr, options)
- let r = printf(outer_format, printf(format_status, status))
- let s:cache[bufnr][cache_key] = r
- endif
- endif
- return s:cache[a:bufnr][cache_key]
-" XXX: TODO: cleanup/doc?!
-function! neomake#statusline#DefineHighlights() abort
- for suffix in ['', 'NC']
- let hl = 'StatusLine'.suffix
- " Highlight used for resetting color (used after counts).
- exe 'hi default link NeomakeStatReset'.suffix.' StatusLine'.suffix
- " Uses "green" for NeomakeStatusGood, but the default with
- " NeomakeStatusGoodNC (since it might be underlined there, and should
- " not stand out in general there).
- exe 'hi default NeomakeStatusGood'.suffix
- \ . ' ctermfg=' . (suffix ? neomake#utils#GetHighlight(hl, 'fg') : 'green')
- \ . ' guifg=' . (suffix ? neomake#utils#GetHighlight(hl, 'fg#') : 'green')
- \ . ' ctermbg='.neomake#utils#GetHighlight(hl, 'bg')
- \ . ' guifg='.neomake#utils#GetHighlight(hl, 'bg#')
- \ . (neomake#utils#GetHighlight(hl, 'underline') ? ' cterm=underline' : '')
- \ . (neomake#utils#GetHighlight(hl, 'underline#') ? ' gui=underline' : '')
- \ . (neomake#utils#GetHighlight(hl, 'reverse') ? ' cterm=reverse' : '')
- \ . (neomake#utils#GetHighlight(hl, 'reverse#') ? ' gui=reverse' : '')
- endfor
- " Default highlight for type counts.
- exe 'hi NeomakeStatColorDefault cterm=NONE ctermfg=white ctermbg=blue'
- hi link NeomakeStatColorQuickfixDefault NeomakeStatColorDefault
- " Specific highlights for types. Only used if defined.
- exe 'hi NeomakeStatColorTypeE cterm=NONE ctermfg=white ctermbg=red'
- hi link NeomakeStatColorQuickfixTypeE NeomakeStatColorTypeE
- exe 'hi NeomakeStatColorTypeW cterm=NONE ctermfg=white ctermbg=yellow'
- hi link NeomakeStatColorQuickfixTypeW NeomakeStatColorTypeW
-" Global augroup, gets configured always currently when autoloaded.
-augroup neomake_statusline
- autocmd!
- autocmd BufWipeout * call s:clear_cache(expand('<abuf>'))
- autocmd ColorScheme * call neomake#statusline#DefineHighlights()
-augroup END
-call neomake#statusline#DefineHighlights()
-" vim: ts=4 sw=4 et