path: root/dotfiles/.local/share/nvim/site/doc/neomake.txt
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authorYaroslav <contact@yaroslavps.com>2020-08-10 19:46:27 +0300
committerYaroslav <contact@yaroslavps.com>2020-08-10 19:46:27 +0300
commitf030afd547a56ce3d6156a0a92dddaae275ee1d4 (patch)
tree023a5751169cc6ffdec1af998d703b5b8bcdae9f /dotfiles/.local/share/nvim/site/doc/neomake.txt
parent812bcaaf2622dc27310e8579c181394cbc68f7a2 (diff)
simplify vim rice: use vimplug for managing plugins
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-*neomake.txt* - asynchronous make for Vim version 7.4+ and Neovim
- ███╗ ██╗███████╗ ██████╗ ███╗ ███╗ █████╗ ██╗ ██╗███████╗
- ████╗ ██║██╔════╝██╔═══██╗████╗ ████║██╔══██╗██║ ██╔╝██╔════╝
- ██╔██╗ ██║█████╗ ██║ ██║██╔████╔██║███████║█████╔╝ █████╗
- ██║╚██╗██║██╔══╝ ██║ ██║██║╚██╔╝██║██╔══██║██╔═██╗ ██╔══╝
- ██║ ╚████║███████╗╚██████╔╝██║ ╚═╝ ██║██║ ██║██║ ██╗███████╗
- ╚═╝ ╚═══╝╚══════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝
- Run make tasks (such as linters and build tools) asynchronously.
-CONTENTS *neomake*
- 1. Introduction ............................... |neomake-introduction|
- 2. Commands ....................................... |neomake-commands|
- 3. Configuration ............................. |neomake-configuration|
- 3.1. Automake ..................................... |neomake-automake|
- 4. Functions ..................................... |neomake-functions|
- 5. Autocommands/Hooks ............................. |neomake-autocmds|
- 6. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) .................... |neomake-faq|
-1. Introduction *neomake-introduction*
-Neomake leverages Neovim's or Vim's |job-control| feature where available to
-run programs like syntax checkers asynchronously. Where job control is not
-available, it resorts to a synchronous |system()| call, making it possible to
-run this plugin in both older Vims and Neovim.
-This plugin is heavily inspired by Vim plugins such as Syntastic and
-2. Commands *neomake-commands*
- *:Neomake*
- *:NeomakeFile*
-:Neomake [makers] Run a make command with the current file as input. If
- no makers are specified, the default makers for the
- current |filetype| are used. See
- |neomake-configuration| for more on makers.
- *:Neomake!*
- *:NeomakeProject*
-:Neomake! [makers] Run a make command with no file as input. If no makers
- are specified, the default top-level makers will be
- used. If no default top-level makers exist,
- |'makeprg'| will be used.
- *:NeomakeSh*
-:NeomakeSh {command} Run {command} in a shell (according to 'shell'). The
- command output will be loaded into the quickfix list
- when the job is complete. Example: >
- :NeomakeSh find . -name '*.pyc'
- *:NeomakeSh!*
-:NeomakeSh! {command} Same as |:NeomakeSh|, but does not buffer the output.
- Example: >
- :NeomakeSh! while true; do date; sleep 1; done
- *:NeomakeInfo*
-:NeomakeInfo Display information, meant for debugging and inclusion
- in bug reports / help requests.
- *:NeomakeListJobs*
-:NeomakeListJobs List all running jobs in the format: >
- job_id job_name
- *:NeomakeCancelJob*
-:NeomakeCancelJob {job_id}
- Terminate a job identified by its job_id.
- *:NeomakeCancelJobs*
- Terminate all jobs.
- *:NeomakeClean*
- *:NeomakeClean!*
- Clean signs, highlights etc. for file-mode, or
- project-mode (with bang).
-2.1. Toggle commands *neomake-toggle*
-The following commands enable, disable or toggle Neomake globally, per tab or
-per buffer by changing the `disabled` setting, which gets checked when Neomake
-gets called via autocommands, e.g. with |neomake-automake| or custom
-autocommands. You can still call e.g. |:Neomake| manually, and it will run.
-In verbose mode (e.g. when called with |:verbose| (`:verb Neomake`)) the new
-status gets displayed.
-*:NeomakeToggle* toggles Neomake globally.
-*:NeomakeToggleBuffer* toggles Neomake for the current buffer.
-*:NeomakeToggleTab* toggles Neomake for the current tab.
- *neomake-disable*
-*:NeomakeDisable* disables Neomake globally.
-*:NeomakeDisableBuffer* disables Neomake for the current buffer.
-*:NeomakeDisableTab* disables Neomake for the current tab.
- *neomake-enable*
-*:NeomakeEnable* enables Neomake globally.
-*:NeomakeEnableBuffer* enables Neomake for the current buffer.
-*:NeomakeEnableTab* enables Neomake for the current tab.
-*:NeomakeStatus* displays the current status.
-3. Configuration *neomake-configuration*
-If you just want an easy way to run |:make| asynchronously, you're all set.
-Just set your |'makeprg'| and |'errorformat'| as usual, and run |:Neomake!|.
-If you want more, read on.
-3.1 Automaking *neomake-automake*
-To configure Neomake to automatically run on certain events you can use
-The first argument can either be a dictionary (mapping autocommand event
-names to config dicts for fine grained control), or a string (as a shortcut to
-configure certain modes). The 2nd argument is the default delay to use.
-String usage (simple setup):~
- n: normal mode~
- This uses the |TextChanged| (falling back to |CursorHold|) and |InsertLeave|
- events.
- i: insert mode~
- This uses the |TextChangedI| event (falling back to |CursorHoldI|).
- r: "read" mode - when a buffer gets read/open~
- This will hook into the |BufWinEnter|, |FileType| and |FileChangedShellPost|
- events.
- w: "write" mode - when a buffer gets written~
- This uses the |BufWritePost| event, with an explicit timeout of 0.
-Examples: >
- " When writing a buffer.
- call neomake#configure#automake('w')
- " When writing a buffer, and on normal mode changes (after 750ms).
- call neomake#configure#automake('nw', 750)
- " When reading a buffer (after 1s), and when writing.
- call neomake#configure#automake('rw', 1000)
-Dictionary usage (advanced setup):~
- call neomake#configure#automake({
- \ 'TextChanged': {},
- \ 'InsertLeave': {},
- \ 'BufWritePost': {'delay': 0},
- \ 'BufWinEnter': {},
- \ }, 500)
-This will trigger Neomake on |TextChanged|, |InsertLeave|, |BufWritePost| and
-|BufWinEnter|, with a delay of 500ms by default, but 0 for |BufWritePost|.
-You could do some advanced setup, based on if your laptop is running on
-battery: >
- function! MyOnBattery()
- return readfile('/sys/class/power_supply/AC/online') == ['0']
- endfunction
- if MyOnBattery()
- call neomake#configure#automake('w')
- else
- call neomake#configure#automake('nrw', 1000)
- endif
- *neomake-automake-dynamic-delay*
-The automake delay gets adjusted dynamically when timers or make runs get
-aborted. This is meant to support the use case where you are doing multiple
-changes in succession (e.g. |undo|).
-This can be controlled with the experimental `automake.cancelation_delay`
-setting, which has to be a list: >
- call neomake#configure('automake.cancelation_delay', [0.2, 0.5, 3000])
-The first value gets multiplied with the number of restarted timers (before a
-make was triggered).
-The second value gets multiplied with canceled/restarted make runs.
-The sum of those values plus 1 gets multiplied with the original/configured
-delay. The third value is used as a maximum.
-With the default settings from above this means that given a default delay of
-500ms, 7 restarted timer, and 1 restarted make run, it would use a delay of
-`(7*0.2 + 1*0.5 + 1) * 500 = 1450`.
-The counts for restarted timers and make runs gets reset once a make run
-Makers *neomake-makers*
-A maker is an object that tells Neomake how to run a job for you.
- *neomake-makers-get_list_entries*
-If a maker has a `get_list_entries` function, this gets used to retrieve
-entries for the location or quickfix list directly.
-The function gets passed a jobinfo (|neomake-object-jobinfo|) object, and
-should return a list of entries that will be used to fill the
-location/quickfix list: >
- let maker = {'name': 'My maker'}
- function! maker.get_list_entries(jobinfo) abort
- return [
- \ {'text': 'Some error', 'lnum': 1, 'bufnr': a:jobinfo.bufnr},
- \ {'text': 'Some warning', 'type': 'W', 'lnum': 2, 'col': 1,
- \ 'length': 5, 'filename': '/path/to/file'},
- \ ]
- endfunction
-The required keys for entries are `text` and `lnum`, and you should set one of
-`bufnr` or `filename` (otherwise the entry will not be valid).
-The `length` entry in the example is internal to Neomake, and sets the length
-for an highlight (see |neomake-highlight|).
- *neomake-job-makers*
-Otherwise a maker gets run as a job with a file as input ("file mode", good
-for linting), or with no file as input ("project mode", good for building and
-project-level tasks).
-Here is a sample maker definition: >
- let g:neomake_make_maker = {
- \ 'exe': 'make',
- \ 'args': ['--build'],
- \ 'errorformat': '%f:%l:%c: %m',
- \ }
- " Use the maker like this:
- :Neomake! make
- *neomake-makers-InitForJob*
-You can configure a maker dynamically through a `InitForJob` function, which
-gets the jobinfo (|neomake-object-jobinfo|) as its argument.
-This can also be configured as setting: >
- function! CustomExe(jobinfo) abort
- let self.args = [self.exe] + self.args
- let self.exe = 'some_custom_wrapper'
- endfunction
- call neomake#config#set('ft.python.InitForJob', function('CustomExe'))
- *neomake-makers-exe*
- *neomake-makers-args*
-`exe` has to be a string, while `args` can be a list or a string.
-If `args` is a list, entries like '%' and '%:p' will be |expand()|ed, and
-quoting/escaping is applied automatically. If you want to handle escaping
-yourself, `args` should be a string.
-In the above example, the exe argument isn't strictly necessary, since Neomake
-uses the name of the maker as the default value for it. If you want it to be
-usable on an individual file, you should also include the filetype in the
-name: >
- let g:neomake_c_lint_maker = {
- \ 'exe': 'lint',
- \ 'args': ['--option', 'x'],
- \ 'errorformat': '%f:%l:%c: %m',
- \ }
- " Run this maker for the open file (runs "lint --option x myfile.c"):
- :Neomake lint
- " Or run it on the whole project, executing the command from Vim's current
- " working directory (runs "lint --option x"):
- :Neomake! c_lint
- *neomake-args-file*
-When running a maker on a file with |:Neomake|, you may want to control where
-in the `args` list the file's path will appear. To do this, insert '%t' in
-the `args` list and use `append_file=0`: >
- let g:neomake_c_lint_maker = {
- \ 'exe': 'lint',
- \ 'args': ['%t', '--option', 'x'],
- \ 'append_file': 0,
- \ 'errorformat': '%f:%l:%c: %m',
- \ }
-This will cause "lint /path/to/file.c --option x" to be run instead of
-"lint --option x /path/to/file.c".
-`%t` gets replaced with the absolute path to the file (handling any temporary
- *neomake-makers-processing*
-A job maker's output gets processed in two ways:
-1. through a maker's `process_output` function, or
-2. via its `errorformat` (together with `mapexpr` and `postprocess`).
- *neomake-makers-process_output*
-If a maker has a `process_output` function, this gets used to retrieve
-entries for the location or quickfix list for the job's output directly.
-The function gets called with a `context` dictionary, with the following
- - `output`: a list of lines
- - `source`: the source of the output (`stderr`, `stdout`)
- - `jobinfo`: the jobinfo object, see |neomake-object-jobinfo|
-It should return a list of entries (dictionaries), where `text` and `lnum`
-are required. `bufnr` defaults to the jobs's buffer.
-Using this method skips the processing based on `errorformat` (including
-`mapexpr` and `postprocess`).
-See |neomake-makers-process_json| below for handling JSON output.
- *neomake-makers-process_json*
-A maker's `process_json` function gets a |dict| with parsed JSON directly,
-handling the JSON parsing and any errors before.
-The function gets called with a `context` dictionary, containing the following
- - `json`: a dictionary with the parsed JSON
- - `source`: the source of the output (`stderr`, `stdout`)
- - `jobinfo`: the jobinfo object, see |neomake-object-jobinfo|
-It should return a list of entries (dictionaries), where `text` and `lnum`
-are required. `bufnr` defaults to the jobs's buffer.
-Using this method skips the processing based on `errorformat` (including
-`mapexpr` and `postprocess`).
- *neomake-makers-filter_output*
-A maker's `filter_output` function can filter any output before it gets
-processed further.
-The function gets called with two arguments: the list of lines (to be modified
-in place) and a context dictionary with the following entries:
- - `source`: the source of the output (`stderr`, `stdout`)
- - `jobinfo`: the jobinfo object, see |neomake-object-jobinfo|
- *neomake-makers-mapexpr*
-You can define two optional properties on a maker object to process its
-output: `mapexpr` is applied to the maker's output before any processing, and
-`postprocess` is applied to each of the quickfix or location list entries.
-The `mapexpr` property gets passed directly into |map()| as the `expr`
-argument: >
- call map(lines, maker.mapexpr)
-<where `lines` contains the maker output.
-The following variables are available in the `mapexpr`:
- - `neomake_output_source`: either "stderr" or "stdout", depending on
- where the output is coming from. This will be "stdout" always for
- non-async Vim.
- - `neomake_bufname` and `neomake_bufdir`: the buffer's absolute path
- (|bufname()|) and directory, respectively.
-The `mapexpr` itself gets evaluated in the context of the affected buffer in
-file mode, and in the context of the buffer that is current when the maker
-finished otherwise.
-The following `mapexpr` could be used to prefix the output type: >
- "printf('[%s] %s', neomake_output_source, v:val)"
- *neomake-makers-postprocess*
-The `postprocess` property is a function (or list of functions) that get(s)
-called for each entry in the location or quickfix list.
-It allows to change entries there or remove them by setting the `valid` entry
-to `-1`.
-Example: make all entries a warning where `nr` is in the range of 100-199: >
- function PostprocessLintMaker(entry)
- if a:entry.nr >= 100 && a:entry.nr < 200
- let a:entry.type = 'W'
- endif
- endfunction
- let g:neomake_ft_lint_maker = {
- \ 'exe': 'lint',
- \ 'args': ['--option', 'x'],
- \ 'errorformat': '%f:%l:%c:%n: %m',
- \ 'postprocess': function('PostprocessLintMaker')
- \ }
-Example: remove some entry for a specific maker (using |expr-lambda|): >
- let g:neomake_asciidoc_asciidoc_postprocess = {
- \ entry -> entry.text =~# 'illegal system attribute name: font-style'
- \ ? extend(entry, {'valid': -1})
- \ : entry}
-Builtin postprocessors are `neomake#postprocess#compress_whitespace`, which
-fixes whitespace issues (which is useful with multiline error messages),
-and `neomake#postprocess#generic_length`, which adds a length property (used
-for highlights |neomake-highlight|) for entries, when the message refers to an
-identifier at the entry's column.
-See `neomake#makers#ft#text#PostprocessWritegood` for an example.
-Entries can be selectively removed in post-processing by setting its "valid"
-property to `-1`. This removal will happen even if `remove_invalid_entries`
-is disabled. This feature is meant for conditional removals and a simpler way
-for end users to filter list entries. Makers should handle removals through
-|errorformat| using '%-G' to remove items that should never appear in the
-error list.
- *neomake-makers-buffer_output*
-Default: 1
-By default Neomake will only process the output from makers when either the
-output type changes (from stderr to stdout or vice versa), or at the end of
-the job.
-If you have a maker that is expected to run longer, and you want to get
-feedback as early as possible, you can set this to `0`.
-You can override this for a maker using e.g.: >
- let g:neomake_ft_test_maker_buffer_output = 0
-Your results will appear earlier, but if the |'errorformat'| is meant to parse
-multiline output this will likely cause issues (depending on how the maker
-flushes its output).
-To change the default for all makers use: >
- call neomake#config#set('maker_defaults.buffer_output', 0)
- *neomake-makers-remove_invalid_entries*
-Default: 0
-This option filters invalid entries from makers from the location/quickfix
-list (i.e. entries that do not match the |'errorformat'|, and that would show
-up with a `||` prefix in the location/quickfix list): >
- let g:neomake_ft_maker_remove_invalid_entries = 1
-NOTE: the default for this is 0, because unhandled/unexpected output might be
-useful, e.g. when the program displays some error.
-Makers should handle this properly through |errorformat|, e.g. by using '%-G'
-(see |efm-ignore| and |neomake-faq-errorformat|).
-To change the default for all makers use: >
- call neomake#config#set('maker_defaults.remove_invalid_entries, 1)
- *neomake-makers-cwd*
-The working directory of a maker defaults to the current working directory
-of the make run (|getcwd()|).
-The `cwd` property overrides this, and gets expanded in the context of the
-current buffer. Special buffers (like fugitive blobs) get handled for values
-starting with `%:` (typically used in this context), falling back to
-|expand()|. See |filename-modifiers|.
- >
-Example: change to the buffer's directory: >
- let g:neomake_my_example_maker = {
- \ 'exe': 'pwd',
- \ 'cwd': '%:p:h'
- \ }
- *neomake-makers-tempfile_enabled*
-Default: 1
-This will pass a temporary file with the buffer's contents to the maker, in
-case the buffer is not readable, modified, or has no filename.
-A maker can specify the temporary file's name through the `tempfile_name`
-property, and you can set it through the |neomake-makers-InitForJob| callback
-(for advanced usage).
-Otherwise it gets generated based on the original filename/filetype, and
-falls back to using |tempname()|.
-You can configure this per buffer or maker as usual, e.g.: >
- let g:neomake_<ft>_<name>_tempfile_enabled = 0
- *neomake-makers-tempfile_dir*
-Default: unset
-You can configure the directory to use for temporary files (see
-The default behavior is to use the same directory as the original file, so
-that any config files (e.g. `setup.cfg` for Python tools) take effect.
-You can configure this per buffer or maker as usual, e.g.: >
- let g:neomake_<ft>_<name>_tempfile_dir = '/tmp/custom'
-The value gets expanded (via `neomake#utils#ExpandArgs`), which allows for
-the following to use the original file's directory structure (`%:p:h`): >
- let g:neomake_tempfile_dir = '/tmp/custom%:p:h'
- *neomake-makers-output_stream*
-Default: "both" ("stdout", "stderr", "both")
-The `output_stream` setting specifies what stream gets used for output from
-the maker.
-Any output on a stream not configured here gets reported as unexpected output.
- *neomake-makers-supports_stdin*
-Default: 0
-With `supports_stdin = 1` a maker indicates that it can use stdin instead of a
-temporary file. By default "-" is then used for the filename.
-`supports_stdin` can be a dict function on the maker, which will get the
-current jobinfo as its argument, and should return 1 or 0.
-This function can change `self.args`, which is useful to append options like
-e.g. "['--stdin-display-name', '%:p']".
-You can also change `self.tempfile_name` therein.
-It can be useful to change the current working directory for the maker here,
-e.g. when it does not use its `--stdin-display-name` (or similar) option
-to look for its config. Use the jobinfo's `cd` method for this: >
- function! maker.supports_stdin(jobinfo) abort
- let self.args += ['--stdin-display-name', '%:.']
- call a:jobinfo.cd('%:h')
- return 1
- endfunction
- *neomake-makers-uses_stdin*
-Default: 0
-`uses_stdin = 1` can be used to always use stdin for file arguments,
-regardless of if a temporary file / stdin is required to be used.
-It uses "-" as the default for "tempfile_name".
-Global Options *neomake-options*
-Define a new filetype or project-level maker. See |neomake-makers|.
- *neomake-makers-properties*
-Configure properties for a maker where <property> is one of `exe`, `args`,
-`errorformat`, `buffer_output`, `remove_invalid_entries`, `append_file`,
-or `supports_stdin`.
-This can also be set per buffer, e.g.: >
- let g:neomake_javascript_jshint_exe = './myjshint'
- let b:neomake_javascript_jshint_exe = './myotherjshint'
-The global defaults can be configured using `g:neomake_<property>`, i.e.
-*g:neomake_remove_invalid_entries* to remove invalid entries from the quickfix
-/ location list (|neomake-makers-remove_invalid_entries|), unless explicitly
-provided by the maker or overridden by your global/buffer setting.
-The internal defaults are: >
- let defaults = {
- \ 'exe': maker.name,
- \ 'args': [],
- \ 'errorformat': &errorformat,
- \ 'buffer_output': 0,
- \ 'remove_invalid_entries': 0
- \ }
-This setting will tell Neomake which makers to use by default for the given
-filetype `<ft>` (when called without a maker as an argument, i.e. |:Neomake|).
-The default for this setting is the return value of the function
-`neomake#makers#ft#<ft>#EnabledMakers`. For Python this is defined in
-`./autoload/neomake/makers/ft/python.vim`, and might return: >
- ['python', 'frosted', 'pylama']
-This setting can also be defined per buffer, so the following snippet can be
-used to configure a custom set of makers from your vimrc: >
- let g:neomake_python_enabled_makers = ['pep8', 'pylint']
- augroup my_custom_maker
- au!
- au Filetype custom.py let b:neomake_python_enabled_makers = ['flake8']
- augroup END
-Please refer to |autocmd-patterns| for help on defining the pattern
-(`custom.py`) in this case.
-This setting will tell Neomake which makers to use by default when not
-operating on a single file, or when no makers are defined for the filetype of
-the current buffer. This effectively defaults to: >
- let g:neomake_enabled_makers = ['makeprg']
-This setting will open the |location-list| or |quickfix| list (depending on
-whether it is operating on a file) when adding entries. A value of 2 will
-preserve the cursor position when the |location-list| or |quickfix| window is
-opened. Defaults to 0.
-The maximum height of the |location-list| or |quickfix| list window opened by
-Neomake. If there are fewer entries it will use that instead.
-Defaults to 10.
-This setting will |:echo| the error for the line your cursor is on, if any.
-It uses a timer (if |timers| are available), and |CursorHold|/|CursorHoldI|
-Defaults to 1.
-Use Neovim's virtualtext API to display the error for the current line next
-to the text. This is experimental, and uses the same mechanism (timer)
-as |g:neomake_echo_current_error|.
-Defaults to 1 (only available on Neovim 0.3.2+).
-The prefix used with |g:neomake_virtualtext_current_error|.
-Defaults to "❯ ".
-Delay (in ms) for the timer used to echo the current error with
-Defaults to 100.
-Setting this to 1 tells Neomake to run each enabled maker one after the other.
-This is a good way to ensure messages don't get mixed up. This setting is
-implied with non-async Vim versions.
-Setting this to 1 tells Neomake to abort after the first error status is
-encountered. This setting only works when |g:neomake_serialize| is on.
-Controls how verbose Neomake should be. Neomake log levels are as follows:
- 0 - Errors only
- 1 - Quiet message
- 2 - Loud message (may log multiple messages at once, making the screen
- shift momentarily)
- 3 - Debug information (all messages).
- This will also add time information to messages.
-Each log level includes all the levels before it.
-Defaults to 1.
-|'verbose'| gets added to this setting, so you can use |:verbose| to increase
-the verbosity temporarily: >
- :3verb Neomake
-Setting this to a file path will write all messages (regardless of the level
-configured through |g:neomake_verbose|) into it.
-This is useful for debugging/hacking, and when reporting issues.
-It requires Vim 7.4.503+ (or Neovim) to work properly, otherwise it will not
-append, but overwrite the file with each message.
- *neomake-signs*
-This setting enables the placement of signs next to items from the location
-and quickfix list (i.e. errors/warnings etc recognized from the
-|'errorformat'|). Defaults to 1.
-These options allow you to control the appearance of the signs that are
-placed into the |signs| column next to lines with messages.
-These are dictionaries that represent the parameters provided by
-|:sign-define|. Here is an example definition: >
- let g:neomake_error_sign = {
- \ 'text': 'E>',
- \ 'texthl': 'ErrorMsg',
- \ }
-See the |:highlight| command to list the highlight groups available to you or
-create new ones.
-Neomake uses the following defaults: >
- let g:neomake_error_sign = {
- \ 'text': '✖',
- \ 'texthl': 'NeomakeErrorSign',
- \ }
- let g:neomake_warning_sign = {
- \ 'text': '‼',
- \ 'texthl': 'NeomakeWarningSign',
- \ }
- let g:neomake_message_sign = {
- \ 'text': '➤',
- \ 'texthl': 'NeomakeMessageSign',
- \ }
- let g:neomake_info_sign = {
- \ 'text': 'ℹ',
- \ 'texthl': 'NeomakeInfoSign'
- \ }
-Default |highlight-groups| are created with those names, but only if they do
-not exist already, which allows you to customize them. This should typically
-be done through the |ColorScheme| autoevent, which applies it after any color
-scheme: >
- augroup my_neomake_signs
- au!
- autocmd ColorScheme *
- \ hi NeomakeErrorSign ctermfg=white |
- \ hi NeomakeWarningSign ctermfg=yellow
- augroup END
-You can use `neomake#utils#GetHighlight` to get e.g. the "bg" from
-"SignColumn". See `neomake#signs#DefineHighlights` where this is used.
- *neomake-highlight*
-This setting enables highlighting of columns for items from the location and
-quickfix list. Defaults to 1.
-This setting enables highlighting of lines for items from the location and
-quickfix list. Defaults to 0.
-If both |g:neomake_highlight_columns| and |g:neomake_highlight_lines| are
-enabled, items with column information are highlighted using the column.
-The following highlighting groups are used:
- - NeomakeError: links to "SpellBad" (|hl-SpellBad|)
- - NeomakeWarning: links to "SpellCap" (|hl-SpellCap|)
- - NeomakeInfo: links to "NeomakeWarning"
- - NeomakeMessage: links to "NeomakeWarning"
-You can define them yourself: >
- augroup my_neomake_highlights
- au!
- autocmd ColorScheme *
- \ highlight NeomakeError … |
- \ highlight NeomakeWarning …
- guisp=White
- augroup END
-Shows warning and error counts returned by |neomake#statusline#LoclistCounts|
-in the warning and error sections of the vim-airline |'statusline'|. Defaults
-to 1.
-4. Functions *neomake-functions*
-This list is non-exhaustive at the moment, but you may find some of these
-functions useful.
-*neomake#Make* (options)
-This is the main entrypoint to Neomake, used by the |:Neomake| (and
-|:Neomake!|) command.
-`options` is a dictionary, and might include:
-- `file_mode`: 1 if the makers should get run against a single file (typically
- used for linting). Default: 1.
-- `enabled_makers`: the makers to use (list). Default: uses configuration.
-Returns: a list of jobinfo objects (|neomake-object-jobinfo|).
-Deprecated interface (with different return value)~
-The old and deprecated API will accept the following arguments instead of the
-`options` dict: filemode, enabled_makers[, exit_callback].
-The `exit_callback` (which should get replaced by using the
-|NeomakeJobFinished| or |NeomakeFinished| hooks) gets the following dictionary
-as its sole argument: >
- { 'status': <exit status of maker>,
- \ 'name': <maker name>,
- \ 'has_next': <1 if another maker follows, 0 otherwise> }
-Returns: a list of job ids.
-*neomake#Sh* (command[, callback])
-This function is called by the |:NeomakeSh| command. It runs the specified
-shell `command` according to 'shell'. |neomake#Sh| returns the single job id
-that was created (-1 on Vim without asynchronous support); you can potentially
-cancel this job with |neomake#CancelJob|.
-It also accepts a second, optional callback argument that is called when
-the command exits. The callback is given the following dictionary as its
-sole argument: >
- { 'status': <exit status of command>,
- \ 'name': 'sh: <command>',
- \ 'has_next': 0 }
-The callback will receive a `jobinfo` object dict as `self`
-Invoked via |:NeomakeListJobs|. Echoes a list of running jobs in the format
-(job_id, job_name).
-Invoked via |:NeomakeCancelJob|. Terminate a job identified by its job_id.
-Example: >
- let job_id = neomake#Sh("bash -c 'while true; do sleep 1; done'")
- call neomake#CancelJob(job_id)
-These functions define the error sign and the warning sign respectively. They
-optionally take a dictionary in the same format as |g:neomake_error_sign|. If
-no such dictionary is provided, the default values will be used. These
-functions may be useful if somehow |:Neomake| is being invoked before you
-define |g:neomake_error_sign|. >
- let g:neomake_error_sign = {'text': 'D:'}
- call neomake#signs#RedefineErrorSign()
- *neomake-statusline*
-The main function for statusline integration is `neomake#statusline#get()`,
-which caches the information retrieved from `neomake#statusline#get_status()`.
-*neomake#statusline#get()* <bufnr> [options]
-The function requires the buffer number as first argument, and an optional
-dictionary. You might want to use |g:actual_curbuf| for bufnr, if calling
-`neomake#status#get()` from a statusline expression, but then highlights are
-not evaluated, and you typically want to use this in a statusline function
-(`'set statusline=%!MyStatusLine()'`) instead.
-Returns a string for a 'statusline'.
-The optional argument is a dictionary of options (see below).
-The following example creates a custom 'statusline' function, where `a:active`
-may reflect if the window is the current one (implementation not provided): >
- let neomake_status_str = neomake#statusline#get(bufnr, {
- \ 'format_running': '… ({{running_job_names}})',
- \ 'format_loclist_ok':
- \ (a:active ? '%#NeomakeStatusGood#' : '%*').'✓',
- \ 'format_quickfix_ok': '',
- \ 'format_quickfix_issues': (a:active ? '%s' : ''),
- \ 'format_status': '%%(%s'
- \ .(a:active ? '%%#StatColorHi2#' : '%%*')
- \ .'%%)',
- \ })
-A simpler example: >
- let neomake_status_str = neomake#statusline#get(bufnr, {
- \ 'format_running': '… ({{running_job_names}})',
- \ 'format_loclist_ok': '✓',
- \ 'format_quickfix_ok': '',
- \ 'format_quickfix_issues': '%s',
- \ })
-You can use the following options:
-For location list items:~
- - format_loclist_unknown: format for when the status for location list
- issues is unknown, i.e. Neomake was not run on the current buffer.
- Default: `'?'`
- - format_loclist_ok: format for when there are no location list issues.
- Default: `'%#NeomakeStatusGood#✓%#NeomakeStatReset#'` (a checkmark using
- the NeomakeStatusGood highlight group).
- - format_loclist_type_X: format for location list issues of type X
- (E, W, I, …).
- Default: looks up "format_loclist_type_default" first, and then uses
- `' {{type}}:{{count}} '`, with an existing highlight group as prefix
- ("NeomakeStatColorTypeX" or "NeomakeStatColorDefault"), e.g.
- - format_loclist_type_default: default format for location list issues if
- "format_loclist_type_X" is not defined.
- - format_loclist_issues: format for wrapping all location list issues.
- Default: `'%s%%#NeomakeStatReset'` (used with |printf()|).
-For quickfix list items:~
- - format_quickfix_ok: format for no quickfix issues.
- Default: `''`
- - format_quickfix_type_X: format for quickfix list issues of type X
- (E, W, I, …).
- Default: `' {{type}}:{{count}} '`
- Default: looks up "format_quickfix_type_default" first, and then uses
- `' Q{{type}}:{{count}} '`, with an existing highlight group as prefix
- ("NeomakeStatColorQuickfixTypeX" or "NeomakeStatColorQuickfixDefault").
- - format_quickfix_issues: format for wrapping all quickfix list issues.
- You can use an empty string to skip displaying quickfix issues, which can
- be useful for non-current windows.
- Default: `'%s%%#NeomakeStatReset'` (used with |printf()|).
-Status related:~
- - format_status: used to wrap the whole status.
- This is a |printf()| format string, where `%s` gets replaced with the
- whole status (and any literal/non-printf `%` needs to be escaped as `%%`).
- Default: not used / `'%s'`
- - format_status_disabled: used to wrap the whole status when disabled.
- This is a |printf()| format string, where `%s` gets replaced with the
- whole status (and any literal/non-printf `%` needs to be escaped as `%%`).
- Default: `'{{disabled_info}} %s'`
- - format_disabled_info: The `disabled_info` placeholder from the
- "format_status_disabled" argument. There `disabled_scope` placeholder is
- available here. Default: `'{{disabled_scope}}-'`
- - format_status_enabled: used to wrap the whole status when enabled.
- This is a |printf()| format string, where `%s` gets replaced with the
- whole status (and any literal/non-printf `%` needs to be escaped as `%%`).
- Default: not used / `'%s'`
- - format_lists: used to format the overall location list and quickfix list
- sections (before format_status).
- `{{lists_sep}}` is empty ("") with only a single list section,
- and defaults to " " if both are not empty.
- Default: `'{{loclist}}{{lists_sep}}{{quickfix}}'`
-Running jobs:~
- If any jobs are currently running in file or project mode, those get
- displayed by default in the loclist or quickfix section. The following
- options control its appearance:
- - format_running: used in case there are jobs running. Use 0 (as a number)
- to disable this, but fall through to the last known status.
- Default: `… ({{running_job_names}})`
- - format_running_job_file: Wrap the running job name for file-level makers.
- Default: not used / `'%s'`
- - format_running_job_project: Wrap the running job name for project makers.
- Default: `'%s!'`.
- - running_jobs_separator: Separator for formatted running job names.
- Default: `', '`.
-Advanced options:~
- - use_highlights_with_defaults: include highlight attributes with default
- options (e.g. "%#NeomakeStatusGood#" with "format_loclist_ok").
- Default: 1
-You can use the following format placeholders:
- - `{{running_job_names}}}`: comma-separated list of running jobs (typically
- their maker names).
- This gets built using `format_running_job_file`,
- `format_running_job_project`, and `running_jobs_separator`.
- - `{{disabled_scope}}`: When manually overriden, the scope of the disabling.
- One of "b", "t", "g".
-These functions return text for your |'statusline'|. They each take an
-optional first argument, which is the prefix text that will be shown if errors
-or warnings exist. Example usage: >
- set statusline+=\ %#ErrorMsg#%{neomake#statusline#QflistStatus('qf:\ ')}
-The result of this will be something like 'qf: E:1, W:2' if there are errors
-or warnings and the empty string otherwise.
-These functions get the counts of errors by error type for the |location-list|
-and the |quickfix| respectively. The return value is something like this: >
- {'E': 2, 'W': 1, 'x': 5}
-<Where 'E', 'W' and 'x' are error types. Empty error types are ignored for
-By default, `LoclistCounts` returns the counts for the current buffer (i.e.
-`bufnr("%")`), but you can pass an optional argument: passing a buffer number
-will retrieve the counts for a particular buffer, while passing the string
-"`all`" will return a dictionary of counts for all buffers.
-5. Autocommands/Hooks *neomake-autocmds*
- *neomake-hooks*
-Neomake will trigger |User| autocommands on certain events.
-With all these events a dictionary `g:neomake_hook_context` is available,
-with key/value pairs depending on the autocommand/hook.
-Example: display a message for every maker that exits non-zero: >
- function! MyOnNeomakeJobFinished() abort
- let context = g:neomake_hook_context
- if context.jobinfo.exit_code != 0
- echom printf('The job for maker %s exited non-zero: %s',
- \ context.jobinfo.maker.name, context.jobinfo.exit_code)
- endif
- endfunction
- augroup my_neomake_hooks
- au!
- autocmd User NeomakeJobFinished call MyOnNeomakeJobFinished()
- augroup END
-Note: you might want to use |autocmd-nested| (in particular when handling
-opening of the location/quickfix window yourself, so that other autocommands
-get triggered, e.g. |WinEnter| for the qf window that gets opened/created): >
- augroup my_neomake_hooks
- au!
- autocmd User NeomakeFinished nested call MyOnNeomakeFinished()
- augroup END
- *NeomakeJobInit*
-The NeomakeJobInit autocommand gets triggered before a job gets started.
-You can use this to change the command (`jobinfo.argv`).
- - `g:neomake_hook_context.jobinfo`: see |neomake-object-jobinfo|.
- The `argv` entry contains the command to run (executable and arguments).
- This can be a list or a string, depending on the maker and the job backend.
- *NeomakeJobStarted*
-The NeomakeJobStarted autocommand gets triggered after a job started.
- - `g:neomake_hook_context.jobinfo`: see |neomake-object-jobinfo|.
- *NeomakeCountsChanged*
-The NeomakeCountsChanged user autocommand gets triggered after counts for the
-location/quickfix list have changed, either because the list got reset or new
-entries got added.
-You can use this to e.g. update the statusline.
- - `g:neomake_hook_context.reset`: 1 if the list got reset, 0 otherwise.
- - `g:neomake_hook_context.jobinfo`: when the list is not reset; see
- |neomake-object-jobinfo|.
- *NeomakeFinished*
-The NeomakeFinished user autocommand gets triggered after all jobs of a build
-have finished.
-You can use this to e.g. close an empty location or quickfix window.
- - `g:neomake_hook_context`: a dictionary with the following keys:
- - `make_info`: make info, which contains all of the entries from below,
- plus some more. (The object itself is not documented yet)
- - `make_id`: the numeric ID of the make run.
- - `options`: a dictionary (related to |neomake-object-jobinfo|):
- - `file_mode`
- - `bufnr`
- - `ft`
- - `finished_jobs`: a list of job infos (|neomake-object-jobinfo|) for the
- finished jobs.
- *NeomakeJobFinished*
-The NeomakeJobFinished autocommand gets triggered after a single job has
- - `g:neomake_hook_context.jobinfo`: see |neomake-object-jobinfo|; `exit_code`
- is available there.
-5. Objects *neomake-objects*
- *neomake-object-jobinfo*
-The `jobinfo` dictionary contains information about a job.
-(this is experimental, so not everything is documented)
- - `maker`: a dictionary containing information about the maker that ran
- this job. See |neomake-object-maker|.
- - `file_mode`: 1 for file mode, 0 for project/directory mode.
- - `make_id`: the ID of the make run
- - `get_pid()`: get the process ID (PID) of the job (-1 if not running
- anymore).
- - Relevant for file mode:
- - `bufnr`: the number of the buffer.
- - `ft`: the filetype.
- *neomake-object-maker*
-The `maker` dictionary contains the following keys:
-(this is experimental, so not everything is documented)
- - `name`: name of the maker.
- - `exe`: executable of the maker.
-6. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) *neomake-faq*
-6.1 Other plugins overwrite the signs placed by Neomake~
-When using quickfixsigns (https://github.com/tomtom/quickfixsigns_vim/) it
-will also place signs for errors and warnings in the quickfix/location list,
-and conflicts therefore with Neomake's own signs (see
-|g:neomake_place_signs|). You can make quickfixsigns respect Neomake's signs
-using this option: >
- let g:quickfixsigns_protect_sign_rx = '^neomake_'
-6.2 How to configure the makers to be used?~
-See |g:neomake_<ft>_enabled_makers| (press `<C-]>` on the link to go there).
- *neomake-faq-errorformat*
-6.3 How to develop/debug the errorformat setting?~
-Here are some tips to develop the 'errorformat' setting for makers:
-1. Get the output from the linter into a buffer (see also |:read!|).
-2. Set the errorformat, e.g. `:let &efm = '%E%f:%l:%c\,%n: %m,%Z%m`.
- See |errorformat| for documentation of the format itself.
-3. Load the buffer into the quickfix list: `:cgetbuffer`.
-4. Use |:copen| to open the quickfix window, and/or `:echo getqflist()` to
- display the raw data.
-5. Pay attention to the "`valid`" property of entries.
-vim: ft=help tw=78 isk+=<,>,\:,-,'