path: root/.vim/plugin/latexlivepreview.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.vim/plugin/latexlivepreview.vim')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 276 deletions
diff --git a/.vim/plugin/latexlivepreview.vim b/.vim/plugin/latexlivepreview.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index f4a315a..0000000
--- a/.vim/plugin/latexlivepreview.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,276 +0,0 @@
-" Copyright (C) 2012 Hong Xu
-" This file is part of vim-live-preview.
-" vim-live-preview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-" under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
-" Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
-" any later version.
-" vim-live-preview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
-" or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
-" more details.
-" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-" vim-live-preview. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-if v:version < 700
- finish
-" Check whether this script is already loaded
-if exists("g:loaded_vim_live_preview")
- finish
-let g:loaded_vim_live_preview = 1
-" Check mkdir feature
-if (!exists("*mkdir"))
- echohl ErrorMsg
- echo 'vim-llp: mkdir required'
- echohl None
- finish
-" Setup python
-if (has('python3'))
- let s:py_exe = 'python3'
-elseif (has('python'))
- let s:py_exe = 'python'
- echohl ErrorMsg
- echo 'vim-llp: python required'
- echohl None
- finish
-let s:saved_cpo = &cpo
-set cpo&vim
-let s:previewer = ''
-" Run a shell command in background
-function! s:RunInBackground(cmd)
-execute s:py_exe "<< EEOOFF"
- subprocess.Popen(
- vim.eval('a:cmd'),
- shell = True,
- universal_newlines = True,
- stdout=open(os.devnull, 'w'), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
- pass
-function! s:Compile()
- if !exists('b:livepreview_buf_data') ||
- \ has_key(b:livepreview_buf_data, 'preview_running') == 0
- return
- endif
- " Change directory to handle properly sourced files with \input and bib
- " TODO: get rid of lcd
- execute 'lcd ' . b:livepreview_buf_data['root_dir']
- " Write the current buffer in a temporary file
- silent exec 'write! ' . b:livepreview_buf_data['tmp_src_file']
- call s:RunInBackground(b:livepreview_buf_data['run_cmd'])
- lcd -
-function! s:StartPreview(...)
- let b:livepreview_buf_data = {}
- let b:livepreview_buf_data['py_exe'] = s:py_exe
- " Create a temp directory for current buffer
- execute s:py_exe "<< EEOOFF"
-vim.command("let b:livepreview_buf_data['tmp_dir'] = '" +
- tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="vim-latex-live-preview-") + "'")
- let b:livepreview_buf_data['tmp_src_file'] =
- \ b:livepreview_buf_data['tmp_dir'] .
- \ expand('%:p:r')
- " Guess the root file which will be compiled, using first the argument
- " passed, then the first line declaration of the source file and
- " eventually fallback to the current file.
- " TODO: emulate -parse-first-line properly
- let l:root_line = substitute(getline(1),
- \ '\v^\s*\%\s*!tex\s*root\s*\=\s*(.*)\s*$',
- \ '\1', '')
- if (a:0 > 0)
- let l:root_file = fnamemodify(a:1, ':p')
- elseif (l:root_line != getline(1) && strlen(l:root_line) > 0) " TODO: existence of `% !TEX` declaration condition must be cleaned...
- let l:root_file = fnamemodify(l:root_line, ':p')
- else
- let l:root_file = b:livepreview_buf_data['tmp_src_file']
- endif
- " Hack for complex project trees: recreate the tree in tmp_dir
- " Build tree for tmp_src_file (copy of the current buffer)
- let l:tmp_src_dir = fnamemodify(b:livepreview_buf_data['tmp_src_file'], ':p:h')
- if (!isdirectory(l:tmp_src_dir))
- silent call mkdir(l:tmp_src_dir, 'p')
- endif
- " Build tree for root_file (main tex file, which might be tmp_src_file,
- " ie. the current file)
- if (l:root_file == b:livepreview_buf_data['tmp_src_file']) " if root file is the current file
- let l:tmp_root_dir = l:tmp_src_dir
- else
- let l:tmp_root_dir = b:livepreview_buf_data['tmp_dir'] . fnamemodify(l:root_file, ':p:h')
- if (!isdirectory(l:tmp_root_dir))
- silent call mkdir(l:tmp_root_dir, 'p')
- endif
- endif
- " Escape pathnames
- let l:root_file = fnameescape(l:root_file)
- let l:tmp_root_dir = fnameescape(l:tmp_root_dir)
- let b:livepreview_buf_data['tmp_dir'] = fnameescape(b:livepreview_buf_data['tmp_dir'])
- let b:livepreview_buf_data['tmp_src_file'] = fnameescape(b:livepreview_buf_data['tmp_src_file'])
- " Change directory to handle properly sourced files with \input and bib
- " TODO: get rid of lcd
- if (l:root_file == b:livepreview_buf_data['tmp_src_file']) " if root file is the current file
- let b:livepreview_buf_data['root_dir'] = fnameescape(expand('%:p:h'))
- else
- let b:livepreview_buf_data['root_dir'] = fnamemodify(l:root_file, ':p:h')
- endif
- execute 'lcd ' . b:livepreview_buf_data['root_dir']
- " Write the current buffer in a temporary file
- silent exec 'write! ' . b:livepreview_buf_data['tmp_src_file']
- let l:tmp_out_file = l:tmp_root_dir . '/' .
- \ fnamemodify(l:root_file, ':t:r') . '.pdf'
- let b:livepreview_buf_data['run_cmd'] =
- \ 'env ' .
- \ 'TEXMFOUTPUT=' . l:tmp_root_dir . ' ' .
- \ 'TEXINPUTS=' . l:tmp_root_dir
- \ . ':' . b:livepreview_buf_data['root_dir']
- \ . ': ' .
- \ s:engine . ' ' .
- \ '-shell-escape ' .
- \ '-interaction=nonstopmode ' .
- \ '-output-directory=' . l:tmp_root_dir . ' ' .
- \ l:root_file
- " lcd can be avoided thanks to root_dir in TEXINPUTS
- silent call system(b:livepreview_buf_data['run_cmd'])
- if v:shell_error != 0
- echo 'Failed to compile'
- lcd -
- return
- endif
- " Enable compilation of bibliography:
- let l:bib_files = split(glob(b:livepreview_buf_data['root_dir'] . '/**/*.bib')) " TODO: fails if unused bibfiles
- if len(l:bib_files) > 0
- for bib_file in l:bib_files
- let bib_fn = fnamemodify(bib_file, ':t')
- call writefile(readfile(bib_file),
- \ l:tmp_root_dir . '/' . bib_fn) " TODO: may fail if same bibfile names in different dirs
- endfor
- " Update compile command with bibliography
- let b:livepreview_buf_data['run_cmd'] =
- \ 'env ' .
- \ 'TEXMFOUTPUT=' . l:tmp_root_dir . ' ' .
- \ 'TEXINPUTS=' . l:tmp_root_dir
- \ . ':' . b:livepreview_buf_data['root_dir']
- \ . ': ' .
- \ 'bibtex ' . l:tmp_root_dir . '/*.aux' .
- \ ' && ' .
- \ b:livepreview_buf_data['run_cmd']
- silent call system(b:livepreview_buf_data['run_cmd'])
- endif
- if v:shell_error != 0
- echo 'Failed to compile bibliography'
- lcd -
- return
- endif
- call s:RunInBackground(s:previewer . ' ' . l:tmp_out_file)
- lcd -
- let b:livepreview_buf_data['preview_running'] = 1
-" Initialization code
-function! s:Initialize()
- let l:ret = 0
- execute s:py_exe "<< EEOOFF"
- import vim
- import tempfile
- import subprocess
- import os
- vim.command('let l:ret = 1')
- if l:ret != 0
- return 'Python initialization failed.'
- endif
- " Get the tex engine
- if exists('g:livepreview_engine')
- let s:engine = g:livepreview_engine
- else
- for possible_engine in ['pdflatex', 'xelatex']
- if executable(possible_engine)
- let s:engine = possible_engine
- break
- endif
- endfor
- endif
- " Get the previewer
- if exists('g:livepreview_previewer')
- let s:previewer = g:livepreview_previewer
- else
- for possible_previewer in ['evince', 'okular']
- if executable(possible_previewer)
- let s:previewer = possible_previewer
- break
- endif
- endfor
- endif
- return 0
-let s:init_msg = s:Initialize()
-if type(s:init_msg) == type('')
- echohl ErrorMsg
- echo 'vim-live-preview: ' . s:init_msg
- echohl None
-unlet! s:init_msg
-command! -nargs=* LLPStartPreview call s:StartPreview(<f-args>)
-autocmd CursorHold,CursorHoldI,BufWritePost * call s:Compile()
-let &cpo = s:saved_cpo
-unlet! s:saved_cpo
-" vim703: cc=80
-" vim:fdm=marker et ts=4 tw=78 sw=4