path: root/dotfiles/.vim/autoload/neomake/makers/ft/typescript.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dotfiles/.vim/autoload/neomake/makers/ft/typescript.vim')
1 files changed, 45 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dotfiles/.vim/autoload/neomake/makers/ft/typescript.vim b/dotfiles/.vim/autoload/neomake/makers/ft/typescript.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d011b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dotfiles/.vim/autoload/neomake/makers/ft/typescript.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+" vim: ts=4 sw=4 et
+function! neomake#makers#ft#typescript#EnabledMakers() abort
+ return ['tsc', 'tslint']
+function! neomake#makers#ft#typescript#tsc() abort
+ " tsc should not be passed a single file.
+ let maker = {
+ \ 'args': ['--noEmit', '--watch', 'false', '--pretty', 'false'],
+ \ 'append_file': 0,
+ \ 'errorformat':
+ \ '%E%f %#(%l\,%c): error %m,' .
+ \ '%E%f %#(%l\,%c): %m,' .
+ \ '%Eerror %m,' .
+ \ '%C%\s%\+%m'
+ \ }
+ let config = neomake#utils#FindGlobFile('tsconfig.json')
+ if !empty(config)
+ let maker.args += ['--project', config]
+ endif
+ return maker
+function! neomake#makers#ft#typescript#tslint() abort
+ " NOTE: output format changed in tslint 5.12.0.
+ let maker = {
+ \ 'args': ['-t', 'prose'],
+ \ 'errorformat': '%-G,'
+ \ .'%EERROR: %f:%l:%c - %m,'
+ \ .'%WWARNING: %f:%l:%c - %m,'
+ \ .'%EERROR: %f[%l\, %c]: %m,'
+ \ .'%WWARNING: %f[%l\, %c]: %m',
+ \ }
+ let config = neomake#utils#FindGlobFile('tsconfig.json')
+ if !empty(config)
+ let maker.args += ['--project', config]
+ let maker.cwd = fnamemodify(config, ':h')
+ endif
+ return maker
+function! neomake#makers#ft#typescript#eslint() abort
+ return neomake#makers#ft#javascript#eslint()