path: root/docs
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Diffstat (limited to 'docs')
2 files changed, 155 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/revela.1.scd b/docs/revela.1.scd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a503668
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/revela.1.scd
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+revela - static image gallery generator.
+*revela* [_OPTIONS_] <_-o OUTPUT DIR_>
+*revela* is a static web image gallery generator. It optimizes images for the web
+and generates HTML files to create a photo/image gallery web site ready to be
+served by an HTML server.
+revela takes a directory with pictures, jinja-like templates and converts that
+into a static web gallery of said pictures organized into albums.
+The root of the input directory should contain at least the following
+directories and files:
+*content* - The directory with subdirectories that each contain pictures. Each
+subdirectory with pictures is considered an album. Each album should contain an
+album.ini file, for information on the format of this file read revela(5).
+*static* - Directory with 'static' directories and files to be copied as-is to the
+root of the output directory. Here you can put any static assets such as
+favicons, css, etc.
+*templates* - Here should go the templates for the website. There should be at
+least three files: _index.html_, _image.html_ and _album.html_. There can also
+be parent templates used by any of those three templates.
+*site.ini* - The configuration for the site, such as title, base url and image
+optimizations. For more information consult revela(5).
+*revela-init* is an interactive helper script that generates a _site.ini_ file
+and copies the default templates provided with revela in the working directory
+from where it was called.
+ Indicate the input directory. If not indicated it will default to the
+ current working dir.
+ The output directory. This is the only required flag.
+ Dry run. Show which files would be copied and which html files rendered but
+ don't do anything.
+ Prints version information and exits.
+Yaroslav de la Peña Smirnov <yps@yaroslavps.com>.
diff --git a/docs/revela.5.scd b/docs/revela.5.scd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4656fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/revela.5.scd
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+revela - static image gallery generator.
+This manual page documents the format and syntax of the _\*.ini_ or configuration
+files found in revela source galleries.
+There are two kinds of configuration files:
+*site.ini* - There is only one _site.ini_ file in a revela gallery and it should
+be located at the root of the gallery directory. This file contains the title of
+the gallery, the base url, and image optimization settings.
+*album.ini* - Each album should contain a file with this name. This simply
+contains the title of the album and optionally a description.
+Both files are in what's called 'ini format'. It merely consists of _key=value_
+pairs and _[sections]_. You should already be familiar with it.
+_site.ini_ may contain the following sections and keys:
+ The name or title of the gallery to be used inside templates.
+ The base url. For example, if the web gallery is not at the root of the
+ website, it could be "/photos". _Optional_.
+ This section contains settings for optimization of the main image files.
+ _This section and all its keys are optional_.
+ *strip*=boolean
+ Whether to strip images of their EXIF tags and other metainformation.
+ *quality*=integer
+ From 0 to 100, 0 being the lowest quality and highest compression, and
+ 100 being the highest quality but no compression. This corresponds to
+ JPEG "quality" levels.
+ *max_width*=integer
+ The maximum width the image file should have in pixels.
+ *max_height*=integer
+ The maximum height the image file should have in pixels.
+ *smart_resize*=boolean
+ Whether to preserve the aspect ratio of the image when resizing.
+ *blur*=integer
+ A value from 0 to 100, where 0 is no blur and 100 is the maximum amount
+ of blur.
+ This section contains settings for optimization of the thumbnails files of
+ images. All of the keys in this section are the same as in the _images_
+ sections. _This section and all its keys are optional_.
+_album.ini_ may contain the following keys:
+ The name of the album.
+ A short description of the album. _Optional_.
+If you initialize your gallery with the helper script _revela-init_ a _site.ini_
+should be generated. You can tweak the settings by using it as a basis.
+Yaroslav de la Peña Smirnov <yps@yaroslavps.com>.