path: root/content/weblog/2018-07-23_w3blog-blog-engine
diff options
authorYaroslav <contact@yaroslavps.com>2020-03-17 15:19:15 +0300
committerYaroslav <contact@yaroslavps.com>2020-03-17 15:19:15 +0300
commita9e50293dceb237d665ba56903d414f5302ca4ff (patch)
tree185d310ba37366b37a11e1d695571759b11784a2 /content/weblog/2018-07-23_w3blog-blog-engine
parent2dace68a24ca0fc4355b2ebceea8eaa1be36fd10 (diff)
started migration of weblog articles
Diffstat (limited to 'content/weblog/2018-07-23_w3blog-blog-engine')
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+title = "w3blog, a simple blog engine"
+date = 2018-07-23T02:05:00Z
+In this post I will be explaining how to use my blog engine for the Django
+framework, w3blog.
+<!-- more -->
+## First, an introduction
+I decided to create my own blog engine because I didn't find one for Django
+that satisfied my needs. That is, I wanted a simple to setup, but customizable
+blog engine that offered multilingual capabilities since I wanted to write my
+blog in three different languages (English, Spanish and Russian). I wanted to
+be able to write posts in different languages and make use of Django's built-in
+localization engine, so that if user's locale is, for example, Spanish, so that
+they would immediately see the posts in Spanish, if they are already translated
+to Spanish.
+The following is a short list of features of w3blog:
+* Users can post anonymous comments, if enabled
+* Allow only registered users to post comments through Django's built-in
+ authentication engine, if enabled
+* Can use own base template
+* RSS
+* Turn on or off the sidebar, and chose to show categories, archive list, none,
+ or both in the sidebar
+* Show or hide the author of the post, and whether it shows the author's name
+ or username
+* Enable or disable multilingual features
+These are features available as of the writing of this post (v0.4.2). In the
+next version (v0.5.x) I plan on adding the ability to further customize the
+sidebar without having to modify the internal templates of the app.
+I will be showing you further down below how to setup the engine to customize these features.
+## Setup
+First of all, you need to install a couple of python modules with pip. w3blog
+itself, and django-summernote. Check out https://summernote.org/ for more
+information about it.
+$ pip install w3blog django-summernote
+After installing them, we need to add to the settings.py list of installed apps
+ '...',
+ 'django_summernote',
+ 'weblog',
+And add the following urls to our project's main urls.py
+url(r'^blog/', include('weblog.urls')),
+url(r'^summernote/', include('django_summernote.urls')),
+So if we now run our development server and go to our browser to the respective
+link, we should now see something similar to the following
+![w3blog home page on first launch](first_launch.jpg)
+After creating a django super user and going to the admin, we can now see a
+weblog section with two models: Blog posts and Categories.
+![Admin panel on first launch](admin1.png)
+We can add a category
+![Adding a category](add_category.png)
+We could try and add a post now
+![Adding a post](add_post.png)
+Chose a slug (the portion of the url for the post), the categor(y/ies), whether
+we want it to be available to the reader after saving (Published) and the date
+and time of publication.
+![Publishing a post](publish_post.png)
+After adding our post, the page now looks like this
+![A published post](published_post.png)
+I will better explain what the options above mean next.
+## Configuration
+That already looks much like a blog, but what if we wanted to use our own base
+template (the one containing the header/navbar), or show the categories on the
+sidebar. If you want to change the settings for w3blog, you need to add the
+`WEBLOG_SETTINGS` dictionary to your settings.py. The following are available
+settings that you can change (with their defaults):
+ 'enable_comments': False,
+ 'allow_anon_comments': False,
+ 'multilingual': True,
+ 'blog_title': 'Django-Weblog',
+ 'base_template': 'weblog_base.html',
+ 'show_author': True,
+ 'use_authors_username': True,
+ 'show_sidebar': True,
+ 'show_categories': False,
+ 'show_archive': True,
+ 'posts_per_page': 10,
+ 'enable_rss': True,
+ 'home_title': 'Welcome to the blog!',
+So most of them are pretty self explanatory, but I will explain them to avoid
+confusion nonetheless:
+* enable_comments -- set to True to enable users to post comments on the posts.
+* allow_anon_comments -- allow anonymous comments.
+* multilingual -- enable multilingual features, i.e. translations of posts.
+* blog_title -- the title of the blog, will be used on the blog's homepage and
+ title tag
+* base_template -- which base template to use. If not set, will use w3blog's
+ default template.
+* show_author -- set to True to display the author of the post on each post
+* use_authors_username -- set to True to use the author's username (e.g.
+ author66) instead of their full name (e.g. John Smith).
+* show_sidebar -- set to True to show the sidebar (where the category and
+ archive lists reside).
+* show_categories -- set to True to show the categories list on the sidebar
+ (won't show if you disabled the sidebar)
+* show_archive -- set to True to show the archive list on the sidebar (won't
+ show if you disabled the sidebar)
+* posts_per_page -- the number of pages to display per page.
+* enable_rss -- set to True to enable the RSS feed (/rss)
+* home_title -- if set, it will display on the blog's home page instead of
+ blog_title (but blog_title will display in the title tag).
+Now, you most probably will want to use your own template, in that case, make
+sure to add the following to your template's head tag
+<meta charset="utf-8">
+<meta content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" name="viewport">
+<title>{{ blog_title }} - {% block title_block %} Home {% endblock %}</title>
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.1.0/css/bootstrap.min.css" integrity="sha384-9gVQ4dYFwwWSjIDZnLEWnxCjeSWFphJiwGPXr1jddIhOegiu1FwO5qRGvFXOdJZ4" crossorigin="anonymous">
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://use.fontawesome.com/releases/v5.0.13/css/all.css" integrity="sha384-DNOHZ68U8hZfKXOrtjWvjxusGo9WQnrNx2sqG0tfsghAvtVlRW3tvkXWZh58N9jp" crossorigin="anonymous">
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static '/weblog/css/weblog.css' %}">
+<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.slim.min.js" integrity="sha384-q8i/X+965DzO0rT7abK41JStQIAqVgRVzpbzo5smXKp4YfRvH+8abtTE1Pi6jizo" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
+<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/popper.js/1.14.0/umd/popper.min.js" integrity="sha384-cs/chFZiN24E4KMATLdqdvsezGxaGsi4hLGOzlXwp5UZB1LY//20VyM2taTB4QvJ" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
+<script src="https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.1.0/js/bootstrap.min.js" integrity="sha384-uefMccjFJAIv6A+rW+L4AHf99KvxDjWSu1z9VI8SKNVmz4sk7buKt/6v9KI65qnm" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
+<script src="{% static '/weblog/js/weblog.js' %}" defer></script>
+Another option, if you don't want to use bootstrap, would be to use your own
+css files using bootstrap's classes. You will want to check the templates'
+source code of my engine for reference in [w3blog's GitHub
+## Using w3blog
+Let us go back a little bit and discuss how to use w3blog. As we saw in the
+beginning, you can add posts and categories through the admin. Let's focus on
+the adding posts part by checking this screenshot
+As you can see, there are several option there to chose from
+* Preview image -- use this to upload an image that you want to be displayed in
+ the preview of your post (in the home/category/archive page)
+* Preview text -- use this to set the text that will be displayed in the
+ preview of your post. If you don't set it, w3blog will automatically use the
+ first paragraph of your post's body as preview text.
+* Original language (ISO) -- the ISO code of the original language of your post
+ (e.g. "en"). This setting is not mandatory, and if you don't set and have
+ translations for your post, it will assume that the original language is the
+ one set in your settings.py file (LANGUAGE variable).
+* Slug (URL) -- this will be the url part of your post. If you still don't
+ understand what a slug is, Check out this link.
+* Categories -- the category or categories that your post will belong to. If
+ none are set, your post will be categorized under an "Uncategorized"
+ category. Important note here: you should not set the slug of a category to
+ "misc" since that is already used by weblog to display posts without a
+ category.
+* Pin blog post -- use this if you want to pin the post to the home page and
+ show above the rest of the posts
+* Pinned post priority -- if you pinned several posts, you use this to set
+ their priority
+* Published -- this sets whether the post is available to your readers. This
+ can be useful, for example, when you've started writing a post, but haven't
+ finished and want to save a draft of it, so you don't check this checkbox so
+ that it doesn't display in your blog.
+* Publish date -- date and time the post was published.
+Let's try making a new post and setting it to pinned, to see what happens
+![Adding a pinned post](pinned_post.png)
+So it will appear in our homepage at the very beginning
+![A pinned post](pinned_post2.png)
+## Translations
+Adding a translation to a post is really simple if we have the multilingual
+feature enabled in the settings. While adding our post, or after adding it, we
+can go to the bottom of the add blog post page and add it. We will see some
+similar options to the ones for the original blog post.
+Let's suppose I want to add a Spanish translation. For that, I would type in
+"es" as Language, and then just type the title, content, and if needed, the
+preview image and text for my Spanish translation.
+![Creando un post en español](post_en_español.png)
+After saving, if we go to the blog with computer or browser with Spanish
+language locale set, we will the site in spanish with the aforementioned's post
+Spanish translation
+![Este es un post en español](post_en_español2.png)
+Or if we go to the post itself, we will see an option to choose to read the option in a different language.
+![Multi-language post](multilang_post.png)
+Similarly, we can add translations for each category, if we so wish.
+So, this is basically it on how to use w3blog to set up your own blog using
+Django. I hope this post and my blog engine were useful to you. If you have any
+questions you can ~~leave a comment here, or~~ contact me at my email
+If you have found a bug or problem with w3blog, be sure to open an issue on
+GitHub. The app is currently only translated to English, Spanish, and Russian,
+so if you are willing to provide a translation for your language or any other
+language that you know, you can send a pull request with the translated
+strings, or download the strings for the git repository, translate them, and
+send them to me so that I can compile them and add them to the project myself.
+Thank you very much for reading this post, and I will be very happy to see your
+projects using my blog engine!
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