path: root/content/weblog/2022-01-25_debugging-in-vim/index.md
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authorYaroslav de la Peña Smirnov <yps@yaroslavps.com>2022-01-25 22:54:56 +0300
committerYaroslav de la Peña Smirnov <yps@yaroslavps.com>2022-01-25 22:54:56 +0300
commitb623aec3cbe0ea2edbecffc16e58296646ba5353 (patch)
tree5b83980820065307d81a9acba72c4b9fdd986360 /content/weblog/2022-01-25_debugging-in-vim/index.md
parent6a130c7d04138a08ec2b80e1d4164ff48bcc7e0f (diff)
How I debug programs in Vim
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+title = "How I debug programs in Vim"
+date = 2022-01-25T19:49:30Z
+I like to use separate tools for different tasks, and also like it when those
+tools integrate with the other tools I use. Unfortunately I haven't seen much
+information online for possible workflows on debugging programs with Vim. There
+is information but it is all spread out. So I decided to write about the
+workflow that I've built over the years for writing and debugging programs with
+<!-- more -->
+Many, or most, IDEs already come with some sort of debugging facility. But
+those IDEs are not vim, and more often than not, they also come with a lot of
+other features that frankly are not very useful. And no, vimifcation plugins
+don't count, most of them don't cover even half the functionality that vim
+I love using vim (technically neovim, eh, same diff), I really think that it is
+the best text editor out there. Hell, I even, unironically, think it might the
+program with best UI/UX. Sure it is not intuitive at all ([insert obligatory
+exit vim meme](#exit-vim)), but once you learn the ropes of it, and it doesn't
+take as long as
+they meme it to be, it's just bliss. In shot, vim is a lifestyle, not a program.
+The problem is that learning to be a power user of vim can take time. And to be
+able to efficiently develop programs typing them is not enough. You also need
+to navigate around code bases, quickly fix the most basic of errors (such as
+typos), reduce repetitive tasks (e.g. autocomplete), and of course, debug and
+Fortunately both vim and neovim, for at least some 3–4 years now, offer
+facilities to integrate software development and debugging tools with ease.
+Since I use neovim, some things that I talk about here might differ a little
+## Development tools
+It used to be that each editor/IDE needed to have plugins developed for, or even
+baked into, them individually. This meant that efforts had to split for every
+and each language and editor combination, which meant that not every editor had
+support even every popular language.
+Fortunately, Microsoft did a very un-Microsoft thing, and instead of baking in
+another completely new implementation of IDE-like development tools for each
+language to their VSCode editor, they developed what now is called the Language
+Server Protocol[^1], and with the help of Red Hat et al they open sourced it and
+standardized it.
+In short, the Language Server Protocol (LSP) is just a JSON RPC protocol for
+communications between a server that provides the functions, such as
+autocompletion, linting, go-to-definition, etc. and the client which would be
+the IDE or editor, which basically displays the results. And one of the editors
+that supports LSP is vim. In fact, at least in neovim, the support is built in.
+### LSP
+In order to use LSP in neovim, you need to enable the plugin and configure the
+LSP server(s) for your language(s). The good thing is that configuring it is
+pretty simple and straightforward, especially since there is a plugin that
+already comes with default configurations for a lot of popular languages LSPs.
+I use [vim-plug](https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug) to manage my plugins, so
+first I added the official [lspconfig](https://github.com/neovim/nvim-lspconfig)
+ Plug 'neovim/nvim-lspconfig'
+And then proceeded to configure it for my needs by adding the configurations for
+the LSP servers for C, Go, Rust, Python and Javascript, the languages that I use
+the most often:
+" LSP
+ set omnifunc=v:lua.vim.lsp.omnifunc
+ lua require('lspconfig').clangd.setup{filetypes = { "c", "cpp", "objc", "objcpp", "ch" }}
+ lua require('lspconfig').gopls.setup{}
+ lua require('lspconfig').pylsp.setup{}
+ lua require('lspconfig').rls.setup{}
+ lua require('lspconfig').tsserver.setup{}
+" LSP keybinds
+ nmap <silent> gd <cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.definition()<CR>
+ nmap <silent> gD <cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.declaration()<CR>
+ nmap <silent> gK <cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.hover()<CR>
+ nmap <silent> <leader>n <cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.rename()<CR>
+ nmap <silent> <leader>b <cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.formatting()<CR>
+" neovim overrides my omnifunc with whatever ccomplete is, so I use this
+ autocmd FileType c,ch,header,cpp setlocal omnifunc=v:lua.vim.lsp.omnifunc
+Of course, in order to use the functionality, you also need to have the LSP
+servers installed in your system. In the case of Go, it comes with the standard
+toolchain, same as with Rust. For C, you will need clang, as far as I know GCC
+doesn't provide an LSP implementation.
+The keybindings in my config make it so that I can go to definition with `gd`,
+go to declaration with `gD`, get a popup with information implementations and
+comment documentation with `gK`, rename variables with `<leader>n` (leader is
+space in my config) and process the file through a formatting tool (e.g. gofmt)
+with `<leader>b`.
+### Other plugins
+Now, LSP provides most of the functions you would expect from an IDE, but there
+are still some other plugins that I use for better quality of life. Namely:
+ Plug 'ervandew/supertab'
+ Plug 'majutsushi/tagbar'
+ Plug 'tpope/vim-commentary'
+The first one, [supertab](https://github.com/ervandew/supertab), makes using
+autocompletion much more comfy. By default the omnifunc autocomplete is bound to
+\<C-x\>\<C-o\> which is not very comfortable to enter. Usually, in shells and
+other editors, you use Tab to autocomplete, which is a pretty sane way to do it.
+But sometimes you actually need to insert tabs manually. That's where this
+plugin comes in, since it intelligently chooses whether to insert a tab, or
+autocomplete on pressing the Tab key.
+The next is [tagbar](https://github.com/preservim/tagbar). This plugin allows
+you to open up a sidebar of sorts that lists the global variables,
+data/struct/type definitions, and functions in the current source file. It
+requires a ctags implementation to work.
+Finally is [vim-commentary](https://github.com/tpope/vim-commentary), which
+provides an easy way to comment out multiple lines easily. Not AS useful as the
+other ones, but still handy nonetheless.
+## Debugging
+Sooner or later when writing programs and testing them you come across some kind
+of programming error that causes it to misbehave. You can try to find the
+problem manually by looking at the code and scratching your head, but a much
+better way is to fire up a debugger and go step-by-step over the program
+execution in search of your bug.
+For some time, at least for C and other languages that are supported by it, I
+would just open gdb in a different terminal window and keep my source file open
+in vim in another. But a couple of additions were made to both vim and neovim
+which made it much pleasurable to debug programs.
+The first is `terminal` which, just as its name implies, is a terminal emulator
+inside vim. Basically it allows you to open a terminal inside a vim buffer. For
+me personally this feature by itself is not of great use, since I use a tiling
+WM which already makes it much more comfortable for me to move around terminals.
+However, it gives way to a plugin that is much more useful, and which depends on
+this functionality.
+Introducing `Termdebug`. This is a plugin which is built into both Vim (version
+>= 8.1) and Neovim. What it basically does is it opens two split windows, one
+with gdb and the second one with the output of your program. You can then input
+gdb commands directly into the gdb console, or through some vim-provided
+In order to start using Termdebug, you need to first load the plugin:
+:packadd termdebug
+And then load it providing the name of the binary that is going to be executed
+by gdb:
+:Termdebug <path to binary>
+You will be greeted with two new split buffers, one with the program output and
+the other with a gdb console. They are both terminal buffers. The way you use
+those terminal buffers in vim is, you enter insert mode to type into the
+terminal, and exit insert mode with \<C-\\\>\<C-n\>. Why not escape? Because
+some terminal programs make use of escape, for example, vi mode in bash or zsh.
+Or maybe even another vim instance inside vim, why not ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯.
+After having opened Termdebug, you can run the program the classic way from gdb.
+Or from within vim with `:Run <args>`. Other useful shortcuts are `:Break` to
+set a breakpoint at the current line of code, `:Clear` to delete a breakpoint at
+the current line if there's any, `:Continue` to resume program execution, etc.
+[![A screenshot of an example debugging session](debugging-session.png)](debugging-session.png)
+An example debugging session.
+What makes this really wonderful is the fact that you see the process of
+debugging straight in your source file. You don't have to constantly list the
+code inside gdb, and you can just navigate around files to set or clear
+Of course, since you're just debugging programs with gdb the usual rules of
+debugging with gdb apply. For example, you need to compile your program with
+debugging symbols, i.e. with the `-g` flag.
+## Afterword
+These are just of the plugins and configurations that use in vim to help me
+write and debug software. This is, of course not meant as an in-depth tutorial
+or guide on how to configure vim or how to properly debug programs. This is
+just a mere guide on how one can use vim in conjunction with other tools to
+develop and debug programs. There's a lot of information on the internet on how
+to configure vim or how to debug programs with gdb, and using other tools such
+as valgrind and ASan.
+If you want to know more about lsp in neovim, you can read the help page inside
+neovim by entering `:help lsp`. The same goes with Termdebugger: `:help
+If you are interested, you can check my full neovim config here:
+<figcaption id="exit-vim">
+![How to exit vim](quit-vim.jpg)
+If you have never used Vim before, and this article caused you to open it in a
+whim and now you can't exit it, this picture might be helpful.
+[^1]: Not completely Unix-y, but somewhat adherent to the Unix philosophy in the
+ sense that one program should do one thing and do it right. A shock coming
+ from Microsoft, I know. You can learn more about it here:
+ <https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/>